Hello My Dear Friends! It's been so long, hasn't it. As you know, I took a hiatus during the Presidential melee to avoid becoming part of the incessant noise. Little did I know that one side would be such poor losers that the noise would carry on in to the new year! So, I'm back in spite of it all, to help make the new year better. You're welcome. It is that time of year where people make a list of promises to themselves that they will never keep. They're called resolutions and they are, as you well know, a recipe for failure and disappointment. Anyway, I said to myself 'PoKitty, what can you change to make you a better Kitty and 2017 a better year'? The answer was obvious. You! I'm perfect. The only thing I need to change to make life better is you. You're the problem. So, in the spirit of peace and love, I have compiled a list of changes you need to make to make my life better in the new year. Again, you're welcome.
1. Please resolve to take a breath. I realize that the recent election was contentious, to say the least, but life will go on. At this point, we are all very aware of how you feel about the outcome. It is not necessary for you to share those feeling, three times a day, every day. As a matter of fact, it's not just unnecessary, it's freaking annoying. We get it. You're not happy. So, take a breath, relax, and give us a break. If you must share your unhappiness, as many of you are only capable of doing, in the form of a Farcebook Meme, could you at least make sure what you're sharing is actually real and true. That would probably cut down the number of memes you share by 99%. I never thought I would long for the day when people posted pictures of the food on Farcebook yet, here we are.
2. Please resolve to make better decisions. Same as the wisdom that, "just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you should wear it"; just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should do it! For instance, stop burning the flag and then saying you mean "no disrespect". That's just stupid. Stop protesting "the rich" by stopping the average person from shopping or going to work. As a matter of fact, just stop protesting "the rich". Success used to be something to be proud of, not scorned. When you block streets and storefronts you're not harming the 1%, you're pissing off the 99% who are just trying to live their lives. You want to change the world? Go to Washington.
3. Please resolve to grow a pair. I'm serious people. Take your whining, thin skinned, milk and cookies, participation trophy, safe space loving attitudes and pack them away. The world is a tough place for grown ups. If you want to be treated like a grown up, start acting like one. People are going to say and do things that you don't like for the rest of your life, get used to it. There are no 'safe spaces' in the real world, except in your parents basement. So, unless that is where you plan to live for the next 50 years, please, grow a pair.
4. Please resolve to pay attention. This past Presidential election woke up a lot of people. Kindly stay awake. Case on point: Governor Cuomo signed over 500 bills into law last year alone. They all take effect today or tomorrow. Please obey them all. What? You don't know what they are? Of course you don't. No one does. Those are just state laws. They don't take into account any new federal or local laws or regulations that will also take effect. Each year, hundreds of new laws and regulations are added to the books but few, if any, are ever removed. Adultery is still illegal in New York. It's illegal to shine shoes after 1:00 PM on Sunday. It's illegal to have a puppet show in your window. It is illegal to urinate on birds in New York. How about "Official State Stuff". New York State has an "official" muffin. Yep, It's the apple muffin. The "official" State Snack is Yogurt. The "Official State Insect" is the Ladybug. Add the Bluebird, the Beaver, Brook Trout, Sugar Maple, Garnet, Bay Scallops and Snapping Turtles to the list of Official State Stuff. There are more and each one takes an act by the State Legislature to earn their distinction. That means it costs us money. This is what our elected officials do when we're not paying attention. Let's pay attention.
5. Finally people, Please resolve to spend more time with family and friends, in person, face to face, where you can hug them, and less time on line in virtual relationships. None of us knows how long we have so let's all resolve to spend at least a little more time with the ones we love while we still can. that, alone, will make 2017 a better year. Be safe My Dear Friends and Happy New Year!