
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

And So It Begins...AGAIN

Hello People.  Today I begin the next generation of The Real House Cats of New York. Let me begin by saying that I get President Trump and I like what he's doing. If that offends you then go away. I am NOT a racist or a bigot. I am NOT homophobic, xenophobic or any other phobic. I am NOT a hater, uneducated or deplorable. I AM unabashedly Conservative. I believe that intelligent adults can disagree, vehemently, and still respect each other. If you don't believe that, go away. Finally, if you have ever uttered the words, "A MAGA hat is the new white hood", seriously, GO AWAY now! Why? Because you probably don't have the requisite knowledge to follow along anyway. I'm pretty comfortable drawing that conclusion since, in case you forgot, the 'Guys in the White Hoods' were Southern Democrats. I am not a guy, southern or a Democrat. Follow me? People who make these ridiculous comparisons and wildly inaccurate statements, like saying that this Country has 'never been more divided', do so because they simply don't know any better. Never been more divided? Seriously? Have you heard of the Civil War? Look it up. Times were a little tougher then than they are today. Another crazy statement that has been reported on and repeated without scrutiny is based on a "study" by the World Economic Forum. It says that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean! Are you kidding me. First of all, since 95% of the ocean has yet to be explored, I can not even image where this study came from or what it could possibly be based on. Perhaps the data comes from a 9-year old's class project like the Great Plastic Straw Debacle of 2011. That made-up story led to the banning of all plastic straws in several cities. If you use a single-use plastic straw you may as well just jam it into a dolphin's eye. That's where it's going to end up anyway. Apparently we don't actually recycle plastic. We just gather it up and toss it into the ocean. Who knew? The truth of the matter is that 60% of trash in the ocean comes from just 5 Asian Countries; China, Indonesia, The Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. The truth is that America contributes less than one percent of the trash in the ocean. That means that if the Untied States were to eliminate plastic all together, not use one piece of plastic EVER AGAIN, it would reduce plastics in the ocean by LESS THAN ONE PERCENT.  So banning plastic straws may make you feel better but it won't change one damn thing in the world.  Finally, let me wrap up with this so-called Super Bowl Halftime Controversy. Maroon 5 is the main act. They are being criticized for not turning down the gig to "show support for Colin Kaepernick". It never occurred to them that, perhaps, Maroon 5 doesn't care about who the NFL does or does not hire. Perhaps they just want to perform for some 200 million people! In response, the NFL cancelled the pre-show interview with the band. Celebs, like Jay Z and Kelly Rowland, said they would not perform. That's super interesting since neither Jay Z or Kelly Rowland was asked to perform. But good to know. Gladys Knight was also slammed for agreeing to sing the National Anthem at the game. Ms. Knight, in her usual classy way, said "I understand that Mr. Kaepernick is protesting two things, and they are police violence and injustice. It is unfortunate that our national anthem has been dragged into this debate when the distinctive senses of the national anthem and fighting for justice should each stand alone. I am here today and on Sunday, Feb. 3, to give the anthem back its voice, to stand for that historic choice of words, the way it unites us when we hear it and to free it from the same prejudices and struggles I have fought long and hard for all my life..." 
The over/under on Ms. Knight's National Anthem is 1:20. You can bet on that you know. I, personally, would take the under. Fun fact: The longest rendition of the National Anthem was Alicia Keys at Super Bowl XLVII in 2013. That went 1:55. The shortest was Billy Joel at Super Bowl XLI in 2007. That went just :90. I'm thinking Gladys Knight goes 1:01. Bet on it!

Until Next Time
Hella Bella