
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Political Content-you've been warned!

Hello my dear friends. It's been awhile. As you know, I try to stay out of the political fray as much as possible but you people keep dragging me back in! Let me save some of you some time. If you are still an "undecided" voter or someone who doesn't plan to vote, stop reading now and go away. I don't like you. Next, if you are an unwavering supporter of the current administration, stop reading now. You're not going to like this anyway. Okay, for the rest of you, what the hell is wrong with people? That "debate" last night was a  travesty. The "issue" emerging from that epic waste of time was Romney's comment about a "binder full of women". There are now memes across the world, a Farcebook page with 250 thousand "likes" and the Pres can't repeated it enough. Why? Because their "Big Bird" distraction has run it's course. When you are nothing but a narcissistic empty suit with a disastrous track record, you must distract the minions with subterfuge. Candy Crowley is a disgrace to the profession of journalism. Not just because she let her liberal colors bleed through, jumping to her feet to defend the Prez, because today she tried to back peddle to save face. If you're going to be a douche bag, at least have the ovaries to stand behind your actions. Since the "undecided" audience applauded her display, it's safe to assume they weren't all that undecided, were they? Did anyone else find it odd that everyone who asked an Obama friendly question ("How are you different from George Bush"; "I voted for you last time, what have you done to earn my vote again" etc.) appeared to have never before read the question they were reading? Because every one of them stumbled miserably over what they were reading? It sure seemed odd to me. How about this revelation: Prez "Sure gas prices were low back then, the economy was on the verge of collapse. Prices are higher now because the the economy is improving and we are going to continue to grow this economy".  So your plan is to continue to let gas prices rise? Lied about Libya.The Prez now says he declared the murders in Libya a "terrorist attack" the day after it happened. If that's true (and I don't believe it is) why did he, the Ambassador to the UN and the Secretary of State make 20 different TV appearances claiming it was a "spontaneous outburst over a YouTube video? Lying then or lying now, doesn't really matter, still lying.  Lied about reducing Federal drilling permits. It's public record. There are 62% fewer Federal drilling permits today than there were in 2008. On and On and On. Blah Blah Blah.
Okay. If you're still reading I'll assume we are of the same mind, so I will let you in on my new people meter.
Do you know a CLOOTAIDAL? (pronounced CLUE-tay-dal) Crazed Liberal Out Of Touch And In Denial About Life?
If you believe everything that is wrong in this Country today is still George Bush's fault, you're a CLOOTAIDAL.
If you believe we're safer today then we were 4 years ago, you're a CLOOTAIDAL.
If you believe spending trillions of dollars on "green energy initiatives" will lower gas prices, you're a CLOOTAIDAL.
If you believe you're poor because other people are rich, well, you're a loser and an asshole as well as a CLOOTAIDAL.
If you believe 4 more years down this path will improve your life you're delusional and you're a CLOOTAIDAL.
If you believe the Government should provide you with the general comforts of success, you're probably a Canadian and you're a CLOOTAIDAL.
Finally, If you believe I, Princess PoKitty, Ruler of all Kittydome, would make a better President than anyone in the running, you are an intelligent, well informed, well adjusted human being.
I shall leave you with this. When you find yourself trapped in a conversation with a CLOOTAIDAL, tell them that all of your black friends are voting for Romney. When they ask you to prove it, call them a racist and walk away. You'll still be able to hear their head explode in the distance.

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