
Friday, January 24, 2014

Thoughts Over Catnip

Hello My Dear Friends! We've made it through another bitterly cold week. I have found that, along with catnip, laughter helps to keep me warm. Luckily for me I don't have to look very far to find something, or someone, to laugh at! For instance, Justin Bieber! I'm sure you've heard that he was arrested on numerous charges including DUI and resisting arrest. He was drag racing down a residential street in a rented Lamborghini. Even though he is only 19, the officer says he made a statement admitting he had been drinking, smoking weed and had taken prescription medication. The funny thing is, when he was pulled over, he reportedly said to the officer "What the (F-Bomb) did I do"? LOL! What didn't you do son? I guess they do things differently in Canada. There's another interesting note to this story. Prior to his arrest he was at a strip club, drinking, with his FATHER, who then helped block the road so his under-aged, drunken son could race. After his arrest he told the police that the prescription drugs he had taken were given to him by his MOTHER! I guess they parent differently in Canada too! This kid doesn't stand a chance unless his ultimate goal is to become the Mayor of Toronto. Those crazy kids on Capitol Hill are at it again. After months of republican blustering about spending cuts and Democratic blustering about deficit reduction, they went ahead and increased "discretionary" spending (better known as Pork Barrel Spending) by $63 Billion dollars. That's above the $967 Billion set for fiscal year 2014 by the Budget Control Act! You can't make this stuff up. Finally (for now) a 7th grade Wisconsin science teacher, who was fired for watching and sharing pornography while at work, has not only gotten his job back but will be receiving about $200,000 in back pay! Yup. A court ruled that Andrew Harris was treated unfairly because other teachers, in the same district, were only suspended for doing the same thing! Apparently, in Wisconsin, teachers viewing porn at work isn't that uncommon. Who knew? The Teacher's Union, who defended Harris and, ultimately got him reinstated, declined to comment on the court's decision. C'est la vie! No wonder Johnny can't read.

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