
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Good Golly! You Want To What?

Hello People! I'm sure that you, like me, spend a good part of each day worrying about the environment and our impact on it. Well, good news! The EPA is once again spending our tax dollars to help us help ourselves. The EPA operates on an annual budget of about $9 billion dollars. They're requesting a $481 million dollar increase for fiscal 2016. It's money well spent. This year alone the EPA has launched a study to examine 'particulate emissions' coming from your backyard barbecue. They're proposing a 'secondary air filtration system' to go along with the drip tray. We don't know what those 'particulate emissions' are yet. Nor do we know if they're harmful. But, why wait for pesky details? Thanks EPA! I was just saying to the girls that backyard grills aren't nearly expensive enough. This will certainly take care of that!
The EPA has also launched a program to create a wireless system that will track how much water hotel guests use in the shower. Think about that for a moment. The EPA wants hotels to install wireless monitors in all of their showers to measure water usage. Gee, what could possible go wrong with that? Apparently they've never heard of water meters. It's a much better idea to install wireless electronics in our last bastion of privacy! You can't make this stuff up. The University of Tulsa has already received a grant to develop the technology.
This is the same agency that required companies that blend gas to use cellulosic biofuel or face significant fines. Unfortunately for those businesses, cellulosic biofuel doesn't exist on any kind of commercial level. So, the EPA first fined the refiners for not using the non-existent fuel, then mandated that they increase their use of it by 60%.
The EPA isn't alone. The Department of Health and Human Services just spent $500 million dollars on a program that will, among other things, seek to solve the problem of 5-year old kids who "can't sit still" in kindergarten classrooms. The Feds spent $30 million on a program designed to help Pakistani farmers produce more mangos and $3 million for a UC Irvine project to research the video game World of Warcraft! And you thought your tax dollars were being wasted. I'll leave you with this; the Heritage Foundation reports that the US military spent $998,798 dollars to ship two 19-cent washers from South Carolina to Texas and spent $293,451 dollars to ship one 89-cent washer from South Carolina to Florida. I could do this all day! Too bad there's no money left over to fix the water mains exploding all over America!

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