
Friday, August 21, 2015

A Contrast in Logic

Hello My Dear Friends. I am aware that using the words 'government' and 'logic' in the same sentence is the definition of oxymoron but, alas, here I go. Let's start with the on-going saga of the Ashley Madison website hack. As you know, this is the site that goobers use to cheat on their spouse. How people this stupid managed to got someone to marry them boggles the mind but, I digress. In the latest release of hacked info we have learned that many of those aforementioned goobers, hundreds, were government employees, who used their work computers. These were not just your run-of-the-mill useless government workers. They included two assistant U.S. attorneys, an information technology administrator from the Executive Office of the President, a division chief and investigator from the Justice Department and various high level employees from the Departments of State, Homeland Security, Justice, Treasury, Energy and Transportation. Can you say Hackers Dream? These fine, upstanding government officials used their office computers, during business hours, on our nickel, to troll for concubines! Here's the fun part, no one has been fired or even suspended. Is it any wonder that government computers keep getting hacked? The White House has been blaming these massive hacks on Chinese Government Espionage. The truth of the matter is, our own government has been swinging the door open by using their government computers to access questionable public websites, with impunity. Apparently these particular goobers were 'too valuable to dismiss'. LOL! This is nothing new. An EPA worker, back in 2010, was busted for using his office computer to view porn, during business hours, for 4 to 6 hours PER DAY. When investigators went to question him, he was on a website called "Sadism is Beautiful". He had clocked over 7000 hours of "porn time" during business hours. What happened to him? He was given a 'merit-based performance award' and maintained his $120,000 a year job. That same year Federal Investigators identified several dozen Pentagon workers who were using their government computers to view and collect child pornography! They were "reassigned", instead of imprisoned. The moral of the story is, if you're a pervert, you need to find yourself a government job!
Next, and I find this very disturbing, is a story about a decorated Green Beret named Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, an 11 year Special Forces Veteran who, during his second deployment to Afghanistan was awarded the Bronze Star for Valor. SFC Martland is being kicked out of the Service for shoving an Afghan Police Commander, knocking him to the ground. There is a little more to the story. You see, the Afghan Commander, who was trained, armed and paid with U.S. tax dollars, raped a 12-year old boy. When the boy's mother confronted the Commander, he beat her. SFC Martland and his Special Forces Team confronted the rapist who, according to reports, laughed at them. SFC Martland then knocked him to the ground while explaining to him how this wasn't funny. All the members of the team were punished by the Army but SFC Martland, the leader, is being drummed out. The rapist commander remains on the payroll. Apparently he's more valuable to the U.S. than the decorated Green Beret. Imagine that. Is it any wonder that we're in the trouble we're in?

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