Hello My Dear Friends! I'm sure you've heard the old adage, "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink". Well, in today's climate, leading a horse to water would probably get you arrested for animal endangerment. Anyway, tomorrow CNN will host the next Republican Presidential Candidate Debate. Political pundits are all abuzz over what the "other" candidates need to do to beat Trump. The truth is, this cadre of candidates can't "beat" Trump because they're too busy beating themselves. They just don't get it. A little background. Don't worry, I'll be brief. Back in the mid-1990s, the Republican Party was hijacked by right-wing Conservatives and their "contract with America". Because they were so vocal, people began to believe that they actually represented all Republicans. They do not. They never did. So, when pundits try to figure out why their presumed front runners are tanking, they're looking at the race through a blurred lens. Before the race began, pundits tagged Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz and Scott Walker as the presumed front runners. Here's the problem. Each one of the presumed leaders continue to use phrases like, "get back to our conservative roots" and "winning back the White House". Here's a news flash. The average Republican doesn't want to go backward. They want to go forward with a plan and a vision. The average Republican, and the average Democrat, are sick and tired of the 'Rep vs Dem/Us vs Them' mentality that's lead us here. Candidate Mike Huckabee stood beside a woman and praised her for obeying God's law over Man's law. I, for one, find that terrifying. If I want a leader who favors God's law, I'll move to Iraq. How do I know that I am right and the pundits are wrong? Just look at the numbers. There isn't a "professional politician" or "real conservative" with more than 8% support. A recent poll of registered Republican showed that 58% thought the party was on the wrong track. Trump with 33%, Carson with 20%, Fiorina 2%. That's pretty close to even. When Jeb Bush declared that Trump wasn't 'a real Conservative' but he was, Bush's numbers went down and Trump's went up. If you don't get it by now, you never will.
One final thought. Mediocre actor and producer Matt Damon is getting blasted on social media because of comments he made on his Project Greenlight show on HBO. The show has a group of first time film makers vying for a chance to make a movie. Damon got into a bit of a spat with movie producer Effie Brown. Brown, who is black, suggested that the selection team should consider choosing an ethnically diverse finalist. Damon, who is clearly a racist, said the person for the job should be chosen on "merit" leaving "all other factors out". How dare he! Is it any wonder that he set the Twittersphere on fire? Choosing a winner based on merit! What an ass.
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