Hello My Dear Friends! As many of you know, on Saturday, the Captors attended the Donald Trump rally at OnCenter. Everyone expected protesters to be on hand, and they were. The problem is, protesters today have no idea what they're doing. Now, I love a good protest as much as anyone. Protesting in an American tradition. People need to be heard. However, on Saturday, we noted the following reasons why today's protesters are just wasting their time and yours. Let's begin outside the event. Prior to the doors opening, there were literally thousands of people in line. The line stretched about a quarter of a mile. Yet there were only about 5 protesters scattered about and one of them was the standard "Repent" guy that goes to everything. At the end of the rally there were hundreds of protesters but they missed their mark. The point of protesting is to change people's minds. The time to change people's minds is before they get where they're going!. Before they absorb the message At the end of a rally, people are energized by what they've heard and on their way home after a long day. Protesters, at this point, are simply a nuisance, a backdrop, white noise. No one is listening. No one cares. So, lesson number 1 protesters, you need to get up and out of Mom's basement a little earlier to affect change. Next is your signage. This goes for both inside and outside the event. I'm not even going to begin to address the grammar and spelling issues since, apparently, these are no longer a priority in our society. You have one chance to get your message across on a sign because most people are walking past you. So, your message needs to be clear and concise. Writing a paragraph on a piece of cardboard is a waste of time and energy (not to mention wasting a tree, which many of you seem to be really concerned about). No one is going to stop and read a long, scribbled message. Print neatly and, PLEASE, make sure you actually have something to say. "Trump Sucks" is not a message. it is, at best, a tee shirt. Next, and this is REALLY IMPORTANT, know your audience. Writing "No Trump" on the American Flag is a really stupid thing to do. To be clear here, WRITING ANYTHING on the American Flag is a bad idea. No matter what you write, if you write it on the American Flag, the only message people see is "I'm a disrespectful little cretin". Seriously, you should know better! Back to the message. There were about 8-10 protesters inside the event. Kudos to those of you who stood around for 5 hours just to get thrown out. At least you showed some commitment to your cause. However, with that kind of commitment, you should have put a little more effort into your "protest". One guy pulled out his hidden sign and jumped up to shout "Trump funded Hillary". Duh! Everyone knows that goober. He even talks about it during his speech. Actually, two guys came to share that revelation. One guy, and this still baffles me, Jumped up with a sign that said "Ambiguous Blvd". You stood around, and I do mean stood, there were no seats, for 5 hours to tell everyone that you could go either way? Wow. Now, I gave this sign way more thought than I should of and I can only come up with this; you meant Ambivalent. You were trying to say that Trump keeps flipping on issues but what your sign said was that you couldn't make up your mind. Oh well, maybe that was worth 5 hours of your time. Finally, and I can't stress this enough, if the best chant you can come up with is "Hey hey, ho ho, (fill in the blank) has got to go", don't chant at all. The sixties called. They're over. You really need to put a little more effort into your anger. So, in conclusion, protesters of today, you're lazy and lack creativity. If you really want to make the world a better place, why don't you start by becoming better protesters!
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