A Pennsylvania girl was denied entrance to her prom because she wore a tux. The clearly stated dress code was girls in formal dresses so, she was denied at the door. Whatever. It was a private Catholic school and they have the right to make the rules. However, as a Catholic school, it seems a bit bizarre that this...
is unacceptable, but this....
is perfectly fine. Catholic school has changed A LOT since I was young! Call me crazy but I would rather have my 17-year old daughter covered up a bit but who am I to judge. Rules are rules.
Finally, the Great American Bathroom Law War continues. The Fed is threatening to sue North Carolina if they pass their law banning cross use of bathrooms. I'm sure you know the story. Now, however, with this battle growing more and more contentious, I have a new fear. I read a comment recently from a North Carolina woman who said she was "bringing her gun" into the bathroom to protect herself from the "perverts". Yikes! I have a friend, she's older, wears her hair short, loose clothing, and has, more than once, been mistaken for a man. She has been humiliated, while waiting in line for the bathroom, by morons who say "I think you're in the wrong line" or "This is the line for the ladies room". Not everything or everyone is as they appear. Now we have to worry that a version of said morons might pull out a gun! Is there no end to this nonsense? People, until unisex or family bathrooms are available everywhere, please, just pee, wash your hands and leave. It really is that simple. No eye contact, no chatter, just do your business and be on your way. You have nothing to fear but pee itself!
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