
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

One Man's Trash...

Hello My Dear Friends! I hope you all enjoyed the long holiday weekend. It's been a while so kindly indulge me. FBI Director James Comey today said the "investigation" into Hillary's email debacle has concluded. He said Mrs. Clinton was "extremely careless" and "reckless" in the handling of classified information but not "criminal". The Clinton camp declared this a "big win". So, basically, it's good to be stupid. Okay, got it. Let's move on. Don't worry. I'm not going to go on about politics. I'm as bored with it as you are. Let me just say this; You reap what you sew people. You reap what you sew.
Brexit dominated the headlines for weeks. World leaders panned the decision. Wall Street went nuts. The pundits called it unprecedented and dangerous. Really? Unprecedented? Do the words, "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them" ring a bell? How quickly we forget.
Actor Jesse Williams (Dr. Jackson Avery on Grey's Anatomy) received the BET Humanitarian Award for his leadership in the Black Lives Matter movement. In his acceptance speech Williams' said, among other charming things, "We are done watching whiteness use and abuse us". "Police somehow manage to de-escalate, disarm and not kill white people every day". "We are going to have equal rights and justice in our own country or we will restructure their function and ours". I don't have the racial breakdown for viewers of Grey's Anatomy but I'm pretty sure that "whiteness" you so disdain is paying your mortgage. I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
The solar powered spacecraft Juno has hit it's target and is now orbiting Jupiter. NASA says we will soon have pictures of the 5th rock from the sun! I'm pretty sure it looks like this:
But now we'll know for sure. If you ask me, that's $1,1 Billion dollars well spent!

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