Hello My Dear Friends! It has been a while, hasn't it. I've been taking a break during this contentious election season so as not to add to all of the noise. However, sometimes a Cat has to do what a Cat has to do! Now, I realized a long time ago that we are now living in a post-fact era. Meaning "facts" have somehow become irrelevant, an afterthought if you will. Members of the media today are either too dumb or too lazy to check their own facts so they turn to groups like FactCheck.org or Politico and just assume that they are right. Well, guess what, many times they are not. So, I asked myself, "PoKitty, who do we turn to when the "fact checkers" are as wrong as the facts they are checking"? Well, after a moment of thought I realized that the answer was simple; ME! During and after the Presidential Debate all the talking heads were babbling about 'fact checking this' and 'fact checking that' and one after another repeated the same WRONG information. I was stunned, really. Two particular "facts" caught my attention. The first was the brouhaha over Mr. Trump's assertion that "Stop & Frisk" procedures were NOT ruled unconstitutional. Everyone with a microphone jumped all over him. Lester Holt interrupted him twice to tell him he was wrong. All of the fact checkers said he was wrong. Guess what. He is RIGHT. As a matter of fact, (there's pesky word again), Stop & Frisk as a tactic was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1968. In New York City a Federal District Judge, Shira Scheindlin, ruled that the way the NYPD was conducting their Stop & Frisk policy was racially bias and therefore unconstitutional. She did not, and could not by law, rule Stop & Frisk as a tactic unconstitutional as the Supreme Court had already ruled on the matter. Thems the facts people. Mr. Trump also said that the judge in question was "very anti-police" and was removed from the case by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. Also correct. Let me share a couple of notable quotes from Judge Scheindlin. When ruling on the stop & frisk case she said, "It is pervasive in policing policies like stop & frisk and neighborhood watch, regardless of the collateral damage done to the majority of innocents". Yes, Judge Scheindlin also believes Neighborhood Watch is unconstitutional. She also said "Blacks and Hispanics were more likely to be subjected to force than whites, despite the fact that whites are more likely to be found with weapons and contraband". That is a fact that I am not familiar with. Anyway, to recap. Stop & Frisk as a tactic was NEVER ruled Unconstitutional. Trump is correct. The second "fact" that has been totally twisted also came from Mr. Trump. He said the murder rate in NYC is up. Again the media jumped down his throat. YOUR WRONG! Well, in 2014 there were 328 murders in NYC. In 2015 there were 352. You do the math. Granted, the numbers for 2016 are trending down but 2016 isn't over yet. So, as a matter of Fact, the murder rate in NYC is up. Sorry pundits. Just because someone calls themselves a "fact checker" doesn't mean they are actually dealing in facts. So, here's another fact for you. When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton left her post, a routine audit by the Inspector General's office found a whopping $6 billion (that's billion with a "B") unaccounted for. Six Billion Dollars missing. Gee, I wonder why CNN hasn't reported that. It's a fact. Look it up!
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