
Saturday, November 12, 2016

A Little History

Hello My Dear Friends! As you know, I took a break from enlightening you so as not to add to the incessant noise of the election. Now that the election is over, and social media has been overtaken by the "everyone gets a trophy" crowd, I thought I would rejoin the conversation. It occurred to me that a big part of the problem is that, because the "everyone gets a trophy" crowd doesn't have a clue as to what they are talking about, their anger is misplaced. I keep seeing references to "if you don't know history, you'll repeat it". I totally agree. So, since they no longer teach actual history in school, here's a little lesson for you. Let's start from the beginning since the "EGAT" crowd has decided that the Republican Party is the party of hate, racism, homophobia, and the like. Here are some FACTS.
1.  The Republican party was formed in 1854 by anti-slavery activists. In fact, 6 of their 9 point platform dealt with civil rights, equal rights and voting rights for liberated slaves. When Abraham Lincoln was elected as the first Republican President, the Democrats responded by dividing the Union and launching the Civil War and, of course, his assassination. Fun Fact! The first 23 blacks elected to Congress were all Republicans. After losing the Civil War the Democrats proudly formed the KKK to target Republicans and take back Congress. The Republicans passed the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments giving black Americans freedom, citizenship and the right to vote. The Democrat's response brings us to my next point.
2. Jim Crow Laws were established by Democrats. The "separate but equal" state laws, made by democrats in the south, was reinforced by President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat.
3.  During World War II Japanese Americans were rounded up and placed in interment camps. It was yet another dark spot in American history. Who did that? Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Democrat.
4.  In 1993 "Don't Ask Don't Tell", a slap in the face to gays serving in the military was signed into law by Bill Clinton, a Democrat.
5.  In 1996, the "Defense of Marriage Act", a slap in the face to mankind, was signed into law by Bill Clinton, a Democrat, and strongly supported by the First Lady who claimed to have a "Deep moral belief that marriage was between one man and one woman". Yes, they have since "evolved". But that doesn't change history.
So, My Dear Friends, as you wildly riot in the streets because you don't want "History to Repeat Itself", you might want to pull your collective heads out of your asses and contemplate on how you just dodged a bullet.


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