
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Resolutions for the New Year

Hello My Dear Friends! The New Year is upon us and, as tradition dictates, we sit down and make a list of things we hope to do better in the coming year. Many believe this custom traces back to the ancient Babylonians who made promises to their Gods at the beginning of each year that they would return borrowed objects and pay their debts. Others believe it stems from the Romans who, at the beginning of each year would make promises to the God Janus, for whom the month of January was named. I believe it is an extension of people's innate need to set themselves up for failure. Regardless of why we do it, it is a tradition that I will keep. So, after sitting down with the captor and discussing all of her shortcomings, I have compiled the following list of resolutions for the coming year that I think I can live with.
1.  I will be more accepting and understanding of people. Except stupid people. I simply can not tolerate stupid people, regardless of the year.
2.  I will be less critical of the people around me. Except politicians and anyone else who makes decisions that affect my life.
3.  I will work hard to improve my "that's really interesting" face so as not to reveal to the people around me that I really don't care what they're saying.
4.  I will try to accept and understand other people's point of view. Unless they're just plain wrong. Then all bets are off.
5.  I will try to put others needs and wants ahead of my own. Unless I really need or want something. Then it's back to me first and everyone else take a number.
There! It's settled. I have laid out a path to be a better me in 2014. Now, as for YOU. I have taken the time, as resolved in pledge #5, to put your needs ahead of mine. So here is what you need to do in 2014!
1.  Stop being goobers! This world has more than it's share of dumbasses. Remove yourself from the ranks and exercise a little common sense.
2.  Learn to drive people! I'm not kidding. Put down your damn cellphones and start abiding by the rules of the road. They put all of those pretty signs up for a reason!
3.  Ease up on the social media sharing. Stop posting pictures of yourself and your food. If that's the best you've got, maybe you should shut off the computer and get out a little more.
4.  Lighten Up! Accept the fact that not everyone is going to think, act, behave, love or live like you. Yes, stand up and rally against the haters, but know the difference between hate and ignorance. Punishing the ignorant is what turns them into haters.
5.  Thank every member of the military or veteran that you see. Not just on the days set aside for it, every day. You don't have to know them. If you pass them at the supermarket, in the mall or at the airport, just walk up and say "thank you for your service". It's the right thing to do. Remember, if it weren't for them, you wouldn't be reading this right now.
Have a happy, healthy and safe new year.

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