Hello My Dear Friends! I know I haven't been around much lately but, I have to tell you, this weather has really knocked me off my game! I'm sure you feel the same way. Today, the sun is shining and, even though it's still cold out, I'm feeling better. Unfortunately, because I've been off my game, I have all of this pent-up frustration. So fasten your seat belts, here goes...I've been watching way to much television lately. The other night, on the Nightly News, Diane Sawyer was doing a story on Obamacare. She said, "6 million Americans have already signed up, that's nearly the 7 million goal set by the Obama Administration". Um, I'm no math major either Diane but no it isn't. If I owed you $7 million and I gave you $6 million, would you say "close enough"? I don't think so. Could you please just deliver the news and leave the commentary to me. Thank you. Have you seen that commercial for eHarmony.com? The little girl goes to her grandfather and says something like "Grandpa, my teacher met a woman on-line that he really likes but he met her on one of those other websites..." You know the one I'm talking about? Every time I see it I can't help but wonder why no one is concerned that the little girl's teacher is discussing his sex life with a child. Maybe it's just me. A new study from the Center for Immigration Studies reports that in 2013 the Department of Homeland Security caught and released 68,000 illegal immigrants with criminal records. I only mention this because the report listed 10 cities with the highest percentage of releasing criminal aliens back into the general population. I thought some of you might be interested in the fact that Buffalo made that dubious list. Yikes! In Albuquerque, New Mexico yesterday, hundreds of people staged a march to protest what they believe to be police brutality. There have been 37 police involved shootings in Albuquerque, 23 of them fatal, since 2010. Law enforcement responded by having their SWAT Team, in full riot gear, charge the crowd. Riots ensued. Point made? In the last few weeks we've seen a 9-year old boy in North Carolina told he couldn't bring his My Little Pony backpack to school because the school could prevent other students from beating him up; an 8-year old Virginia girl tossed out of school because she was "feminine" enough and a 9-year old Colorado girl suspended for shaving her head to support a friend with cancer. Now comes word from the Grand Island School District that an NRA tee shirt could somehow provoke violence. 16-year old Shane Kinney was told to either turn his tee shirt inside out or put duct tape over the logo. He declined and was given a one day, in-school suspension. His family was told, in a letter, that Shane was suspended for wearing a shirt that had a logo of a firearm. There's nothing in the school's dress code that specifically addresses that. The dress code prohibits clothing that could provoke or incite violence. Here's the shirt...
I guess, in a way, the school is right. If kids today actually knew what their constitutional rights are, they might get angry. You can't miss something you never really had, can you? Anyway, the kicker to this story is that the School Superintendent now says Shane wasn't suspended for wearing the tee shirt but she wouldn't elaborate on the "real" reason. Apparently she hadn't made one up yet. Is it just me or does it appear that the inmates are running the asylum? Whew! I feel better now. Have a great day!
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