Hello My Dear Friends! Have you been following the story of the New Jersey honor student who is suing her parents for support? My word. 18-year old Rachel Canning claims her parents threw her out of their home when she turned 18 and basically told her to fend for herself. She's suing for $650 a week in support and the remainder of her tuition at a private Catholic high school, as well as attorney's fees. She also wants her parents to pay for some, if not all, of her upcoming college tuition costs. Her parents deny her claims saying they did not throw her out. They say she left on her own after refusing to abide by simple household rules like being respectful, keeping a curfew, doing chores and breaking up with her boyfriend, whom her parents say is a bad influence. A judge today denied the girls request for immediate support saying it sets a bad precedent. I should say so! It does beg the question, should parents be required to support their kids after they leave home? If they are, what stops every disgruntled teen from moving out and having mom and dad foot the bill? In the case of young miss Canning, there's a bit more to the story. You see Rachel is not just an honor student. She's the definition of an ungrateful little spoiled brat. How do we know this? Well, some of the text messages she sent to her mother after she left were read in court. Exhibit A:
Hi mom just to let you know you're a real f**king winner aren't you you think you're so cool and you think you caught me throwing up in the bathroom after eating an egg frittatta, yeah sorry that you have problems now and you need to harp on mine because i didn't and i actually took a s*** which i really just wanna s*** all over your face right now because it looks like that anyway, anyway i f***ing hate you and um I've written you off so don't talk to me, don't do anything I'm blocking you from just about everything, have a nice life, bye mom'
Charming, right? Is it any wonder that her parents don't feel the need to support her? On the other hand, she didn't get that way on her own, did she? I guess we really do reap what we sew. The judge, in denying the girls request for support, said "have you ever in your experience seen such gross disrespect for a parent"? It's a truly unfortunate situation but seriously, the Canning's raised this little brat and now, faced with their own creation, have decided she needs boundaries. It seems a bit late for that. Anyway, it isn't over. Both sides return to court next month. We'll have to wait and see if sanity prevails. If not, the next time you say "no" to your kids you may have to retain counsel!
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