Hello My Dear Friends. I have returned from hiatus only to find that, once again, all heck has broken loose! I can't leave you people alone for a minute, can I? Let me start with the "ALS Bucket Challenge". As you know, the captor did it. I did not! If someone dumped a bucket of ice water over my head they would have died! I'm all for raising awareness of a terrible disease like ALS. The Bucket Challenge was a brilliant marketing scheme BUT (yes there is a but) it's not charity, it's extortion. I, like many of you, only have so much money to give to organizations in need. I am not fond of being "forced" to support an organization by being "called out" by someone else. In this world of instant attention through social media, declining a "call out" looks bad. It's embarrassing. The captor was "called out" both on Farcebook and on the radio. Kind of hard to say no, don't you think? It's not that we don't find ALS an important cause, it's that we like to quietly support organizations that are important to us personally, not organizations that use public humiliation as a marketing tool. ALS isn't the first organization to do this. The March of Dimes, with their "Jail and Bail" fundraiser is another pet peeve of mine. The captor gets called every year with "Someone you know has chosen you to be jailed...". With all due respect, no one I know would volunteer the captor to fund raise for your organization. It is incredibly presumptuous to assume that, just because you know my name, I would be willing to solicit funds from my friends and family on your behalf. Again, I'm not saying that MOD is not a worthy cause, I'm saying that I prefer to choose my own charities, not have them chosen for me by someone else. If that makes me a bad cat then so be it. If you need my help, contact me privately and ask for it. If I can help, I will. Don't call me out publicly and ask for something. It's rude. Okay! I feel better.
Now, on to beef! There is a move across Europe, and you can bet it's headed here, to put an "emissions" tax on beef because, according to a new study, beef cattle are bad for the environment! Now, without getting into all of the details, the study says beef cattle need more land and water than other food animals and they produce more "greenhouse gases". They say adding a new tax to beef will obviously raise the price, making it more difficult for people to afford, thus leading them to eat more vegetables. Are you FREAKING kidding me? First of all, have you seen the price of fresh vegetables? More importantly, these "scientists" who study these things are just plain goofy. Correct me if I'm wrong but cows have been around for a long time, right? I'm pretty sure we didn't invent the cow. Therefore, they can't be all that harmful to the environment or we'd all be dead all ready. This leads me to believe there is an ulterior motive to this study. Could it be another push by the food police to control what we eat? Where will this end. First, the First Lady tries to ban cookies, cakes and brownies from school bake sales. Now you want to take away our burgers? Are you people crazy! Stop this insanity! Stop this war on deliciousness! I don't like turkey burgers. I don't like tofu. I will NOT substitute a veggie burger for my hamburger! Look at this:

I love it in all of it's fatty, greasy goodness! You can't take that away from me. NEVER! Out of my cold, dead paws people. Out of my cold, dead paws!
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