
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mid-Week Musings

Hello My Dear Friends! Happy Wednesday. Let me start by saying God Bless Terry Pegula and his family! Our beloved Bills will remain in Buffalo where they belong. Take that Jon Bon Satan! Anyway, Energy drink icon Red Bull has agreed to pay $13 million dollars to settle a false advertising lawsuit. The class action suit was filed over the company's claim that "Red Bull gives you wings". Apparently is does not. When all is said and done, the wingless plaintiffs will get about $10 bucks apiece but the lawyers will be flying high. With that in mind, I'm starting a class action suit against Disneyland. They claim to be the "happiest place on earth". I've been to Disneyland and, quite frankly, I was a lot happier in Key West. Cha-Ching!
The Federal Government says security agents will begin screening passengers from west African countries for Ebola at the 5 biggest international airports. Awesome. I haven't felt this safe since they started requiring that you put your 3.4 ounce bottle of shampoo in a clear, one quart plastic bag before bringing it onto the plane! Problem solved. Unless, of course, infected people fly to a non-African country before flying to the US, but that will never happen, so, as I said, problem solved.
Finally, Walmart announced that, as of January 1st, it will be dropping health benefits for part time workers who work under 30 hours a week. They blame skyrocketing health care costs. They join Target, Home Depot and over 300 other companies who say they will shift health coverage for part time workers to "public exchanges". Who could have ever seen that coming? Oh, that's right, anyone with an IQ over 60.

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