
Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 48, Are You Kidding Me!

Hello People. As my 100 Days of Angry rolls on, I'm beginning to think people are doing stuff just to get on my list! I can't think of one other explanation for this....
#48 Foreign Policy. At first I thought I was dreaming. Then I thought, perhaps, I was watching a bad Saturday Night Live skit. But, sadly, no. It was actually happening. After our government leaders decided to blow off the French Unity March last week, offering a plethora of excuses, one more lame than the other, they finally came up with this flash of brilliance. Secretary of State John Kerry went to France today to convey America's "support" by bringing along James Taylor to sing "You've Got a Friend"! The ridiculousness of it all was only outweighed by the absurdity. Are you freaking kidding me? That's our response to a terrorist massacre of 17 people; A Sing-Along? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it. KumbayFreakinYa! I would laugh if I weren't so mortified. But, since our new Foreign Policy appears to be written by Don Kirshner, I have a few suggestions:
To Iran; we'll send Bob Dylan to sing "Everybody Must Get Stoned". I think they'll really like that!
To North Korea; Rockwell to sing "Somebody's Watching Me".
To Russia: The Beatles (what's left of them) to sing "Get Back"
To China: Kathy Griffin. No song. I just can't stand her. I wish she'd go away.
To North Africa: The Police to sing "Don't Stand So Close To Me".
To Syria: The Gap Band with "You Dropped A Bomb On Me".
To Afghanistan: Helen Reddy with "Ain't No Way To Treat A Lady"
And, to Terrorist groups around the world: Wynonna with "Your Day Will Come"!
There you go Mr. President. Your "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing" (The New Seekers) Foreign Policy Tour is ready to roll. I'm sure such a well thought out plan can't possibly fail. After all, in the immortal words of Donald O'Connor: "Make 'Em Laugh". More likely though, you're policy theme will be Judy Collins "Send In The Clowns"!

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