
Saturday, January 10, 2015

One Angry Day

Hello People! My 100 Days of Angry continues into the new year. I'm really angry today! Day #47. It started on Wednesday, when two animals burst into the offices of a French magazine and executed 12 innocent people. The tragedy was compounded during the take down two days later when 5 more innocent people died. 17 dead and 20 injured because, apparently, these monsters were upset over a cartoon. A Freaking Cartoon! My anger increased following the media coverage of this slaughter. First I'm told we have to "understand what motivates these attacks". Um, no. I don't care what you've decided their motivation is. I know what their motivation is. The killers screamed "Allah Akbar". Why do we insist on ignoring the obvious? Why is it that, seemly intelligent people, go out of their way to obscure what we all know is the truth? I'm sick of it. CNN "reporter" Christiane Amanpour referred to these barbarians as "activists"! ACTIVISTS! Here's a news flash for you Christiane, this is an activist:
 This, my dear Christiane, is a TERRORIST!
One would think, with your shinny University of Rhode Island degree, you'd know that. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Now that we've cleared that up, my next question is; Where are the leaders of the Muslim world? Why are they not denouncing this blood thirst? Are they afraid they'll be next or are they using their silence to tacitly endorse this behavior? It's time for the leaders of this world to man up! These people are animals and they need to be treated as such. If you were walking through the woods and were attacked by a wild animal, would you first pause to consider why that animal was attacking you? Would you consider how, if you killed it, the other wild animals lurking in the woods would feel about that? Of course not. If you're attacked by a wild animal, you kill it. That's not radical thinking, it's common sense. Are we seriously going to wait until the next pack of wolves burst into an office in New York or LA before we do something about this? It's not going to stop on it's own. It's not going away. People, children included, are being slaughtered around the world and our political leaders are worried about who water-boarded a killer! We are not going to win over the hearts and minds of these animals. Our only option is to eliminate them. So, world leaders, get off your collective bleeding heart, multicultural, PC asses and put an end to this before more innocent people die!
Thank you,

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