
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Let The Anger Flow. Days 44-46

Hello People. It's New Year's Eve, blah. blah, blah....Happy New Year. Here's to hoping you people are less annoying in 2015!
#44 The ObamaCare Saga. Can we please stop harping on this national nightmare! ObamaCare is the law of the land. Does it suck? Yes it does. Every time another politician grabs a microphone to proclaim that repealing ObamaCare is their top priority I think "really"? Have you heard of ISIS? Have you seen the price of food? I, personally, am a little more concerned about some lunatic trying to blow me up than I am about overpaying for healthcare right now. Are you aware that they've released 30 terrorists from Gitmo this year alone? 5 of them were let go yesterday. This, my friends in lawmaking, should be your top priority.
#45 New Year's Day. For years now, we in Kittydom have spent New Year's Day watching our captors, crumpled on the couch, moaning about how they should not have drank so much the night before. You would think that, with over 100 years of combined experience, they would have learned that lesson by now! Dumbass Goobers! We'll see if 2015 is any different. I'm not overly optimistic.
#46 New Year's Resolutions. Really? It is, of course, a human tradition to list the ways you will make yourself better in the coming year. You should all be really perfect by now. You know who loves New Year's resolutions the most? Gym owners. They get a years worth of money and only have to see most of you 3 times. You know who else loves it? Health food stores. Same reason. In spite of my opposition to this inane custom, here goes...
In 2015 I will try to....

  • Remember that plastic bags are not the enemy. I do not have to kill them all, especially in the middle of the night.
  • Be more tolerant of the Little Tail Puller (Grandchild). Perhaps she really doesn't mean any harm. Hey Tail Puller, they rhyme goes "catch a tiger by the toe", not a Himalayan!
  • Be more accepting of morons. Some people really can't control it. I'll just assume that they dined on lead paint as a child.
  • Be nicer to my fellow captors. Except Alfie. She really pisses me off.
  • Not feel any guilt when I break each and every one of the aforementioned resolutions.

Happy New Year People. Hug the ones you love, thank the ones who protect you and turn up the damn heat. It's freezing in here!

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