
Monday, December 8, 2014

Angry Days 32-34

Hello People! Every day, in every way, people continue to piss me off! As my 100 Days of Angry continue, I'd like to take a moment to thank so many of you who make this easier each day.
#32 Showboating. Carolina Panther's Cam Newton with his Superman pose; 49er's Colin Kaepernick kissing his "guns"; Cleveland's Johnny Manziel with his little "show me the money" jesture. Do you know what all of these quarterbacks have in common, beside immaturity? They all suck. Show a little class boys. How you can proudly "pose" when your team is 4-8-1 is beyond me. Ever see Peyton Manning or Tom Brady do a little "hey, look at me" touchdown dance? Maybe while you're home watching them in the playoffs you can ponder that question.
#33 Human gnats. They simply won't go away. These people know no bounds. There are the celebrity Gnats like Tori Spelling, Lindsey Lohan, Any Kardashian or Monica Lewinsky. There are athletic Gnats like A Rod, Jose Canseco and Manny Ramizez. And, your everyday, average Joe Gnats that only annoy one or two people at a time. The captor has one of those. A lunatic she fired about 8 years ago still sends her letters eight years later! Talk about a human Gnat! Can't tell you what's in those letters because she just throws them out. My point is, people should come with an expiration date, like milk, so they know when they're done. You're starting to smell, time to be tossed. I'm not saying anything bad should happen. Go live a happy, hopefully productive life. Just go away now. Go Away.
#34 Eaten Alive. We discussed this "entertainment spectacular" when it was first announced. A moron was going to be eaten alive by a giant snake. A Green Anaconda, to be accurate. I haven't seen the numbers on how many of you were sucked into watching this but, you're all nuts. PETA is protesting over abuse of the snake, viewers are outraged that the snake didn't eat the moron and the Discovery Channel is defending the whole debacle! What is wrong with you people? Half of you are more concerned about the snake than the moron and the other half are outraged that the moron didn't get eaten. Please people, I'm begging you, turn off the TV and get a hobby. You clearly have way too much time on your hands.

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