Hello People! Let me begin by saying that I did not break that silly ornament. I do not know who did. I'm no snitch. It was Po. Okay. Let the anger flow....
#38 Time Warner Cable. Once again the monopoly that is Time Warner is raising their "fees". We get our internet, phone and cable from them because, in the city of Syracuse, we really have no other viable choice. They are now adding a $2.75 per month "surcharge" for sports programming and increasing their monthly "surcharge" for "Broadcast TV" to $2.75. I'm a little confused by this since the reason I pay you to begin with is to provide said programming. I'm not getting any new channels. In fact, over the past few years, we lost numerous channel while your rates continue to raise. Now, you want to pay to extra for you to do less. Time Warner, You Suck! And, while I'm at it, STOP turning off my TV! Who the heck do you think you are? I pay for your service. I pay for electricity. If I want to leave my TV on the same channel all day that's MY business, not yours. If I want "energy saving" assistance from you, I'll ask for it. Otherwise, mind your own freaking business!
#39 Playmobil Toys. Playmobil, known for their Alpine Lodges and Train Stations, has come out with the most amazing new line of "toys". The latest depicts an armed bank robbery and a bicycle crash complete with ambulance. Wow! The company says that "children learn through play". That's awesome if you want your kids to learn how to rob a bank! The "Bank and Raid" set has a woman (congrats for the gender) disguised with large dark glasses and a gun sticking up a terrified bank teller who is handing over wads of cash (included). The other set comes with an injured cyclist being loaded into the back of an ambulance. It comes with extra bandages. These toys are marketed for ages 4-10. They also have a construction worker set that comes with it's own little beer bottles. Charming! I realize that you simply don't have to buy these things but seriously, is this what we've become?
#40 Christmas Killers. Firehouse #4 in South Utica, NY, has a sign, as part of the Christmas display that reads, "Happy Birthday Jesus. We Love You". The nerve! A group of Atheists say 'take down the sign or we'll sue'. Sue for what, Atheists? It can't be based on the wildly misinterpreted First Amendment, regarding the 'separation of Church and State'. Claiming that would make you all sound like a bunch of misinformed morons. Since the First Amendment says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof". That argument actually backs up the Fire Fighters. That whole free exercise thing... There's nothing in the Constitution that says Fire Fighters can't love Jesus or hang signs. This particular group says the sign is "exclusionary and alienating". Really? It says "we" love you. Not "you have to love him". I love pizza. If you don't, does that make me wrong? Should I denounce pizza because you don't like it? Beside, you have to love the irony of the Atheists verses Fire Fighters thing since, in the end, eternal fire may be your destiny...
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