
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Anger Returns. Days 41-43

Hello People. I trust you all had a very Merry Christmas and are preparing to make a bunch of New Year resolutions that you have no intention of keeping. Good for you! Let's begin...
#41 Sony Pictures. Can we please stop this ridiculous praise of Sony Picture's "brave release" of their crappy movie The Interview? Has it really not occurred to anyone that Sony orchestrated this whole debacle? Look, here's what I think happened. A disgruntled former employee hacked the company and released those emails to show what kind of people were running that company. There was no mention of North Korea or that movie until well after those emails were released. Those emails were released to embarrass the top brass at Sony. What could North Korea possibly stand to gain from that? This was Sony trying to make the best of a bad situation and it worked. They made millions and managed to get millions of people, who would have never gone to see that movie, pay for it. They also managed to cut major distributors out of the mix, saving them millions more in profit sharing. The truth will come out Sony. Oh, and you suck!
#42 Cop Hating Lunatics. A group of wonderful protesters in Portland decided to spend their holiday marching and chanting "Deck the halls with rows of dead cops" Fa La La La La. and "what do we want; No cops". Can these people really be that stupid? Well, yes they can. Brace yourself people. Since there are apparently no repercussions for this behavior, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. These lunatics are planning major disruptions to New Years Eve celebrations around the country. 126 Law Enforcement Officers have been killed this year. 50 of them shot to death. That's an increase of 56% over 2013. It's insane. It's not civil unrest people. It's anarchy. Thank God for the men and women who put there lives on the line every day, 365 days a year, so you and I can feel safe. Don't they, and their families, deserve the same. It's time to step up. Speak out. Demand an end to these ridiculous and dangerous protests. I'm all for protesting injustice but that is so not what this is about. Do you think that, if these lunatics were chanting "deck the halls with rows of dead politicians", this would still be going on? Me either.
#43 End of Year Lists. If I see one more Best of/Worst of 2014 countdown I swear, I'm gonna blow! You people apparently have no clue of what is or isn't important. One of our local "News" channels decided that "peeling license plates" was the "most talked about local story" of 2014. Whaaaaat? One national "news" organization included who Honey Boo Boo's mother was dating to their list of biggest entertainment stories. Huh? Seriously, if that's the best you can do, please do something else.

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