
Friday, May 29, 2015

Thoughts Over Catnip

Hello People! The First Lady is at it again. Her latest target...Smores! According to her MyPlate website, FLOTUS wants us to leave the chocolate and marshmallows out of Smores. Don't panic. Mrs. Obama isn't asking you to sit around the campfire eating plain graham crackers. That would be silly. No, FLOTUS wants us to replace the chocolate and marshmallow with strawberries and low fat yogurt! YUM! I can just see it now. The kids all sitting around the fire with a strawberry on a stick, giddily waiting for it to heat up so they can slap it on a blob of low fat yogurt. Mouthwatering, isn't it? We'll have to change the name though. Smores, or S'Mores as they're technically called, implies that you would want more than one. This new version is more like Yuk on a Cracker so we'll call it the Yacker. The war on deliciousness continues!
Speaking of deliciousness, it looks like the fine people of Mississippi can't resist it! For the second year running, Mississippi has been named the State with the highest obesity rate at 35.2%.  I guess they're not eating all of those soybeans they're growing. New York State, by the way, was among the lowest in the Nation with an obesity rate of 24.7%. I assume that's because people in this State can't afford to over eat! Anyway, I can't help but wonder where they're hiding the scales. How else would they know how much everyone weighs?
So, the always entertaining (for all the wrong reasons), Reverend Al Sharpton took to Twitter Wednesday to pose this question, (I'm quoting directly here) "Do you think the Texas flooding is related to climate control or God's Rebuke"? He tagged that moment of brilliance with #KeepingItReal. Oh Al, where to begin. First of all, it's climate change, not climate control. Next, what, in your divine understanding, did the fine people of Texas do that would prompt God to go all Old Testament on them? The real question here, Dear Reverend, is "Are you an example of our failed education system or just a personification of idiocy"? I'm leaning toward the latter.
Finally, in his younger days, Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders wrote an essay saying that "women fantasize about being gang-raped". When questioned, his campaign said it was a failed attempt at satire. The "media" accepted that explanation and moved on. Nothing to see here. I can't help but wonder if the reaction would have been the same if the name on the bottom of that sick piece of crap was Ted Cruz or Chris Christie. I'm guessing it wouldn't be.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Please Make It Stop!

Hello People! Let me begin by saying that I know that, in many ways, I am a dinosaur. Even though I try to "move with the times"  and "keep an open mind" but sometimes it just doesn't work for me. For instance, only in New York can this be banned for being "patently offensive"...
And this be allowed as "protected speech"...
This is so far beyond insane, I've had to make up a new work for it. It's Fukaloonie! I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm living in some alternate dimension. How do sane people make decisions like this? And, more importantly, where is the outrage? Where is the freaking outrage! Have we really become so indifferent to the world around us that we just shake ours heads and move on? Apparently so. While all this was going on, the top trending stories were the National Spelling Bee and Man Covers Himself in Bees. Priorities, I guess. A Feuilleton is part of a European magazine or newspaper designed to entertain the general reader, Note the spelling, it may serve you later.
With all that said, you probably also don't care that the Government just granted......
$200,000 of your tax dollars to fund a study of 'how and why Wikipedia is sexist'.
$371, 020 to study if 'mothers love dogs as much as their children'.
$804,254 to develop a smartphone game called "Kiddio: Food Fight" to help parents to get their kids to eat healthier foods.
$856,000 to teach Mountain Lions to walk on treadmills, apparently to better understand mountain lion instincts. Fukaloonie!
My point here, yes I actually have one, is that our priorities seem to be a bit askew. I'm just saying that if we paid a bit more attention to what our Government was doing, perhaps we won't be so surprised when what they're doing bites us in the ass.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Shame on You

Hello People. I'm sure you've heard all of the outrage lately over "social shaming". It started entertainingly enough, with people posting pictures of their remorseful dogs wearing signs that said "I tore up the trash" or "I peed on the carpet". But, today, this practice has spiraled out of control. There are websites, Facebook pages and Twitter feeds dedicated to "shaming" people. I'm not saying that some people don't deserve to have their bad behavior revealed. They do. But some of these sites are just vicious for the sake of being vicious. One site takes random selfies off other sites and post them just to ridicule the people in them. One site allows people to post pictures of women they consider "sluts". High school kids have a place to post pictures and comments, anonymously of course, of fellow students. These pictures and comments, as you can imagine, are cruel and meant to disgrace the target. This is the downside and ugly underbelly of technology.  Allowing people to anonymously slander or humiliate innocent people has led to an unprecedented wave of hate. Social shaming does have consequences but not always the ones you would think. People have lost their jobs, marriages have ended, kids have been forced to change schools, been thrown out of college, and in some cases, the worst case scenario plays out, and the victim takes their own life. Why? Because some angry idiot decides it would be "funny" to post disgusting things about someone who they don't like or, in many cases, don't even know. This is the world we live in. Anything you do, say or wear could be captured on a cellphone and uploaded to the internet for the whole world to judge. One person posts it, someone else shares or retweets it and the next thing you know, thousands of people have weighed in. I'm not talking about "Corporate Shaming" here, where you post about bad service or broke products. I'm talking about these personal attacks on individuals who've done nothing more than crossed your path. One site, The People of Walmart, was created for just this purpose. They don't even blur the faces of the people they're shaming. It's unbelievable mean. But it isn't just random shaming. Last week I came across a Facebook assault on a friend of mine. I won't get into names or details but what I saw amazed me. The victim of the attack is a hard working business owner who is selflessly involved in our community. The "attackers" were all involved with one person, who had a falling out with the victim. Their posts attacked him personally, his family and his business for no other reason than spite. It was ridiculous and upsetting. First, these "attackers" don't realize that by trying to destroy one member of our community, you diminish us all. They probably also live in their Mom's basement or on a friends couch. I cannot stop these people. I am not the Jackass Whisperer. What I can do, what we all can do, is call these people out for the haters that they are. Not by social shaming them in return. By personally calling them out. We all know people who do this this. You need to tell them that it is not acceptable. If you don't know the source, don't share the hate by commenting. Commenting on hateful posts does no good. It gives the attackers what they want. It gives them a larger audience for the hate. Delete them. Block them. Report their posts to the site administrator. It only takes a minute. If we, the people, don't do something to stem the tide of this cyber lunacy it will continue to grow and spread. We have, for too long, accepted the fact that we've lost right to privacy. Here's a news flash. We didn't lose our right to privacy, we gave it away. I, personally, would not wear a tube top to Walmart but, damn it, people have a right to do it without being humiliated on the internet. It's time st stand up people! It's time to put an end to social shaming.