
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Where Will It End?

Hello My Dear Friends! As this world continues to spin out of control, I can't help but wonder where it will all end. Early this month the Obama Administration took it upon themselves to quietly change the Oath of Allegiance that new citizens take as part of the naturalization process. New citizens are no longer required to pledge to defend this country if required by law. Apparently some of our new Americans were uncomfortable with that obligation. So, if at some point the Government reinstates the draft, only actual Americans will be required to comply. Naturalized citizens can just sit back and reap the rewards. Makes sense to me. Oh wait, no it doesn't. Why would you want to be a part of a Country that you have no interest in defending? Oh, that's right, the benefits. Charming. So, welcome to America, Land of the free(loader). Speaking of being an American....
The University of New Hampshire has issued a "Bias-Free Language Guide". It's a classic! Words in the guide listed as "problematic" include 'American', 'Caucasian' and 'healthy'. There are about 4200 other words but these are my favorite. 'American' is "problematic" because it "assumes that the US is the only country in North, South and Central America. Students should therefore identify themselves as "US Citizen" or "resident of the United States". LOL! 'Caucasian' is "problematic" because the "concept of race was designed to maintain slavery". Therefore students of that persuasion should refer to themselves as "European-American individuals". 'Healthy' is out. It's now "non-disabled". Also on the hit list; Mothering and Fathering (assigns gender to non-gendered activity), rich, poor and senior citizen, The Tax Payer Funded university, in the Live Free or Die State, has also found the pronouns he, she, him, and her "problematic" as well as 'freshman', 'foreigner' (tough luck for the band), 'overweight or obese' (people of size), 'guys', 'opposite sex'. It's enough to make your head explode. People, we are doomed! So, as the captive of a non-disabled, person of low economic status, European-American, resident of the United States, (Poor, healthy, white, American), I've decided to just refer to everyone as Dude (until that is outlawed). I'm just glad I'm a cat!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Just When I thought I Was Out...

Hello My Dear Friends. Just when I thought I was out of the Blogging game, you drag me back in! I swear, you people are lost without me! So much has happened in the past few weeks so, let's begin...
It's been nearly a month since the Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. I haven't gotten hit by a hunk of sky yet. Have you? I guess it isn't falling after all.
Donald Trump is making headlines again. Trump said that John McCain wasn't really a war hero. He's just considered a hero because he got captured. I disagree. However, in 2000 democratic Senator Al Franken said of John McCain, "I'm not buying the war hero thing. Anybody can be captured. I thought the idea was to capture them. As far as I'm concerned he sat out the war". Remember the huge outcry for his resignation? Me either. Once again, it's not what is said, it's who says what. Trump also said that illegal aliens are treated better than our Veterans. He's right about that.
Democratic Presidential candidate Martin O'Malley was speaking to a Progressive Conference in Phoenix on Saturday. While addressing the topic of police shooting unarmed black people, O'Malley said, "Black lives matter, white lives matter, all lives matter". He was roundly booed. O'Malley, the former Mayor of Baltimore and former Governor Maryland, later APOLOGIZED for the comment saying he "meant no disrespect"! LOL! What a world!
The President finalized his deal with Iran. There's good news and bad news. Iran is a major producer of pistachios and Persian rugs. So, lifting the trade sanctions will lower the prices of those items. The bad news is that they now have billions of dollars to fund Hezbollah, Boko Haram and Hamas. And, of course, there's that whole nuclear weapon thing. I do love pistachios though.
When I hear the term "domestic terrorism" I think of a housekeeper flipping out and knocking off her employer. There's nothing "domestic" about a Kuwaiti born man, named Mohammad Abdulazeez, who spent months in the Middle East. He's an Islamic Terrorist. Call a duck a duck people.
President Obama refuses to order National flags lowered to half-staff to honor the 5 Servicemen gunned down in Chattanooga. I don't get it. I also don't get why there is no public outcry about it. It's disgraceful. Simply disgraceful. It's not surprising but it is sad.
Finally, the US today officially restored ties with Cuba. Embassies opened in both countries. Funny thing. Dozens gathered to watch the Cuban Flag being raised at the State Department here, while hundreds lined up outside the American Embassy in Cuba looking for Visas to the US. Imagine that!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I Like Trump

Hello My Dear Friends! I know it is far too early to get into the slim that is American politics but, seriously, let's lift the collective foot off the man's throat. Yes, he said something offensive. Who would have ever imagined that Donald Trump would say something that pissed people off? Here we go again. Gather the villagers and light the torches! It's Donald Trump, people. It's his lack of PC filter that makes him so entertaining! Now, you know, hypocrisy is high on my list of things that piss me off. NBC fired The Donald! Really? Because, since he announced for President, he would have had to leave his Apprentice shows anyway. The hypocrisy comes from the people NBC didn't fire. Brian Williams (liar); Al Sharpton (racist, anti-semitic jackass); Melissa Harris-Perry (lunatic); the list goes on and on. As far as the Miss USA pageant goes, they pulled out because no one was watching anyway. Univision dumped the pageant too. Same reason. As for Macy's, they severed ties with Trump because of their zero tolerance policy for discrimination. That's a hoot coming from a company that's been named in two federal class action suits, for racial profiling, in the past 10 years. Macy's has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last decade to hush up lawsuits over their treatment of black and Latino customers. Zero tolerance? Really? Don't even get me started on the combat Veteran you tossed aside, saying that she wouldn't be able to "deal with customers after being in combat". remember that one? I do. Anyway, my point is, go wave your righteous indignation in someone else's face. We see through you. Now, back to Trump. He said he would build a great wall on the southern border. He said (paraphrasing here) 'they're bring drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some, I assume, are good people'. First, he wasn't talking about Mexican-Americans. He wasn't talking about Mexican immigrants as a whole. He was talking about the people who sneak across the border in the middle of the night. Now, we all know that no one is trying to sneak drugs across the Mexican border. We also know that illegal immigrants do not commit crimes, certainly not rape. So what the heck could he have been talking about? Maybe he was referring to the Government Accountability Office report that followed 55,300 illegal immigrants for one year. That group only accumulated 459,614 arrests. He couldn't have been referring to that. Heck, only 70% of that group was arrested more than once. Only 26% were arrested 11 times or more. And only 6600 of those arrests were for rape or murder. And why build a wall on the southern border? Only 97% of illegals enter over the southern border. Seems like an over-reaction. I don't know where Donald Trump is getting these crazy ideas. Anyway, I guess he's lucky he doesn't own a sports team!