
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Where Will It End?

Hello My Dear Friends! As this world continues to spin out of control, I can't help but wonder where it will all end. Early this month the Obama Administration took it upon themselves to quietly change the Oath of Allegiance that new citizens take as part of the naturalization process. New citizens are no longer required to pledge to defend this country if required by law. Apparently some of our new Americans were uncomfortable with that obligation. So, if at some point the Government reinstates the draft, only actual Americans will be required to comply. Naturalized citizens can just sit back and reap the rewards. Makes sense to me. Oh wait, no it doesn't. Why would you want to be a part of a Country that you have no interest in defending? Oh, that's right, the benefits. Charming. So, welcome to America, Land of the free(loader). Speaking of being an American....
The University of New Hampshire has issued a "Bias-Free Language Guide". It's a classic! Words in the guide listed as "problematic" include 'American', 'Caucasian' and 'healthy'. There are about 4200 other words but these are my favorite. 'American' is "problematic" because it "assumes that the US is the only country in North, South and Central America. Students should therefore identify themselves as "US Citizen" or "resident of the United States". LOL! 'Caucasian' is "problematic" because the "concept of race was designed to maintain slavery". Therefore students of that persuasion should refer to themselves as "European-American individuals". 'Healthy' is out. It's now "non-disabled". Also on the hit list; Mothering and Fathering (assigns gender to non-gendered activity), rich, poor and senior citizen, The Tax Payer Funded university, in the Live Free or Die State, has also found the pronouns he, she, him, and her "problematic" as well as 'freshman', 'foreigner' (tough luck for the band), 'overweight or obese' (people of size), 'guys', 'opposite sex'. It's enough to make your head explode. People, we are doomed! So, as the captive of a non-disabled, person of low economic status, European-American, resident of the United States, (Poor, healthy, white, American), I've decided to just refer to everyone as Dude (until that is outlawed). I'm just glad I'm a cat!

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