Hello My Dear Friends! As you know, I generally try to stay away from political banter as many of you simply aren't interested. So, for those of you who fall into that category, stop reading now. I realize that most people aren't political junkies like I am. That's fine. I also realize that many people get their political information from social media which, of course, is goofy. Now, on a side note, my friend Geri Lynne has asked for a mention in the blog so, from this point forward, when I mention "crazy libs", you're welcome Geri! I think we can all agree that this election is unlike any other that we've seen. The vitriolic nature of this election has reached an unbelievable level but, in my humble opinion, there's more here than meets the eye. There is a new wave of political discourse now, it's "political shaming" and it's reached a fever pitch. Now, I am a huge fan of political debate. The free exchange of opposing ideas is what made this country great. I can honestly say that many of my closest friends are democrats with some even reaching the level of crazy libs! I know that we will never agree on politics but that doesn't make me love them any less. We can discuss (argue) about politics any time, and they we move on, with respect for one another. This is no longer the case across America. Today's political discourse is fueled with disrespect and, in many cases, hate. There is no more free exchange of ideas. Conservative speakers have all but been banned from college campuses, leaving an entire generation with a one sided view of the world. Those who speak out against the out of control liberal policies of the current leadership are called racists, bigots, gun loving red necks, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-American zealots. There are pundits and various members of the media who do nothing but scour speeches and public statements looking for anything the can label politically incorrect and then take that statement and use it to batter the speaker into submission. We saw former democratic Presidential candidate Martin O'Malley apologize for saying "all lives matter" at a liberal convention. Most comedians will no longer perform on college campuses because of this hunt for hate. It's ridiculous. Republican actors have said that they won't discuss politics publicly because of the backlash in Hollywood. Not that I care what actors think but, again, it leaves a gaping one sided conversation. It is exactly this behavior that has created the ever growing Trump Train. You will hear everyone on the left, and most in the media, try to paint all Trump supporters as under-educated rednecks. This simply isn't true but truth doesn't play any more. Trump supporter are men and women of all education levels, races and financial levels. Trump supporters are those people who are sick and tired of being beaten down by the ruling class and want to blow the system up. In spite of everything we're being told and all of the conclusions that are being drawn, let me throw a few facts at you. First, on the republican side where 'politics as usual' or, as it's being called, 'the establishment' is fighting for it's life. Their favorite line has been, paraphrasing here, if Trump has 40% support and Cruz and Rubio have 30% apiece, that's 60% of republicans that don't want Trump. Ok. That same equation also means that 70% don't want Cruz or Rubio respectively. They also say that Trump isn't a true conservative. Um, ya. That's what most people like about him. When was the last time a true conservative was elected President? Lincoln? Every politician, republican or democrat likes to compare themselves to Ronald Reagan. Reagan was a fiscal conservative. But when it came to social matters he was middle of the road. Under today's definition of a real conservative, sorry to bust your bubble, but Reagan wasn't it. It's time to get real. Most Americans are still in the middle. They are the silent majority. Silent, because of the aforementioned shaming. Next, as you follow the primaries, you will see that Ted Cruz has only won in states with closed caucuses. Caucuses, as you know, are where people openly announce and discuss their candidate. Keeping the political shaming scenario in mind, is it any wonder why people in caucuses tend to shy away from the controversial Trump? In every single state where people "close the curtain" and privately pull the lever, Trump has won. Every single one. Coincidence? I think not. The final argument being made by the establishment is that Trump can't beat Hillary. Well, let's take a look at the democratic primaries. The majority of states that Hillary has won; Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, etc, are RED states. Red states have voted republican in the last four Presidential elections. Meaning these are states Hillary will not win in the general election. In the traditionally BLUE states; Colorado, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Vermont, Bernie Sanders has won. Meaning democrats are not rallying around Hillary as the media would have you believe. Funny things happen when voters pull that curtain closed. In exit polls in Vermont and New Hampshire, when voters were asked who they supported the majority said Bernie Sanders. When they were asked who their second choice was, the majority said Donald Trump. Do what you want with that little tidbit. In spite of all of the labeling and name calling; the anti-American, war on women, exclusionary republican party verses the diversity loving, all inclusive democratic party, the republicans put forth a selection of candidates including a woman, a black man and two Hispanics. The democrats offered three white senior citizens. Go figure.
When will Kathy (er~Po) take Joe Galuski's place on WSYR Radio?
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid that's not going to happen but thanks for the thought!