
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Make It Stop People!

Hello People. I swear that all of this nonsense is driving me to drink! I've had a long talk with my captor who has, in one form or another, worked in the media for the past 25 years. Today's media is out of control. I don't know if it's political, ideological or just plain ignorance but I have to tell you, it's driving me nuts! President Trump has the media on their heels. He keeps calling them out and they keep making their defense of themselves the headline. Here's a News Flash: It isn't. He's playing you. Let's take the President's contention that the media is downplaying or ignoring terrorist attacks around the world. The President's goal, by making that statement, was to remind people that the world is a very dangerous place, thus backing up his need for the travel ban. The media, which, as a whole, is clearly opposed to the ban, played right into the President's hand. What did they do? They spent days reporting on the President's list of terror attacks, reminding viewers of the ones they covered, justifying the ones they didn't and producing a list of other attacks that the President didn't mention. They made his case for him. He got exactly what he wanted. They can't see the forest for the trees. The media went on to report that the President continues to say things that he has no proof of; things that just aren't true. "It's unprecedented" they declared! Really? Last June President Obama said that "the steel industry is producing as much steel in the United States as it ever was. This is just plain false. It's not even close to true. Did the media "fact check" this? Did they report on the "lie". Nope. They never even questioned him. In February 2013 Mr. Obama claimed that during his first term his policies forced car manufactures to "double fuel efficiency" in their vehicles. True? Nope. Not even close. Fuel efficiency increase by 11%. In December 2012 Mr. Obama claimed that if Republicans didn't extend middle class tax cuts "114 million middle class families would suffer". That's interesting since, according to the US Census Bureau, there are only 76 million middle class families in America. Remember the outcry over that one? Me either. I could do this all day. My point is that these things happen all of the time. Does that make it right? Of course not but it doesn't make it headline news either. We cannot deny that there is a glaring double standard in the media and we will all suffer because of it. When I read post after post on social media stating beliefs based on half truths and misrepresentations I can't help but wonder where we are headed. One last thought. The Seattle judge who issued the stay on the President's travel ban stated, on the record, that since September 11, 2001, no foreign nationals from the countries on the banned list had been arrested for terror related activities. Do me a favor, Google the names Omar Faraj Saeed Al Harden and Abdul Razak Ali Artan. How about Mohanad Shareef Hammadi and Waad Ramadan Alwan? These are just a few that I am aware of. I'm sure there are many more. You see, when you don't get the whole story you can't make an informed decision.
Peace Out

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