
Friday, January 27, 2017

Please Consider This

Hello People. As you continue to fervently protest everything you can think of, I have a few suggestions. One of the latest controversy from President Trump regards his assertion that voter fraud may have accounted for 3-5 million votes. Outrageous! Right? State Attorneys General, main stream media and leftist pundits all agreed that there is zero proof of voter fraud of any kind. They are sure of it!
Please consider this: The top 3 states housing illegal immigrants are California, Texas and New York. There are about 5.5 million undocumented people living in those three states. Add New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Illinois and the total of undocumented residents totals about 8.5 million. Now, what do these states have in common? None of them require identification to vote. Yet, all of the aforementioned "experts" are confident that not one of those people voted. Not one. In 2014 the Public Interest Legal Foundation, based in Indiana, identified 141 counties across this Country that had more registered voters than residents! No proof? Really? So, why the resistance to an investigation? Let's find out one way or the other.
The border wall has heads spinning. It's unAmerican! It's insanity!
Please consider this:  The Secure Fence Act (H.R.6061) was signed into law in 2006. It passed the House 283-138 and the Senate 80-19. Here's a fun fact. Both Senator Hillary Clinton and Senator Barak Obama voted YES. Look it up. That's a real head-scratcher, right? By the way, 65 nations around the world, including many of our NATO allies in Europe, have border walls and fencing to keep illegal immigrants, terrorists and criminals out of their countries.
President Trump will somehow prevent women from getting equal pay. I saw A LOT of signs about that even though The Trump Organization has more female executives than male and the women, in many cases, make more than the men.
Please consider this: As secretary of State, Hillary Clinton gave her highest paying positions to men and, during her tenure, women earned 72 cents for every dollar men earned. It's an actual fact. Also, according to the 2014 U.S Census report, under Barak Obama's watch, more than 2 million women fell into poverty. Whaaat! Let us not forget that Barak Obama failed to put equal pay in to practice over the last 8 years. Another head-scratcher. Let's see you slap that on a sign!
Nava Blue

1 comment:

  1. Kathy you got it perfect again I have been quietly thinking about these issues .I am so tired of the hate shown that I quit commenting tired of all the rude recommending. Well dam im taking a stand again with you we have both found President Trump deserves a chance to try and undo all the wrongs . I will proudly say I support our President Trump and have since he decided to run those who disagree with me well to bad I'm tired of not seeing things get better .I am for change .
