
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Why You Suck

Hello People. I’ve tried to be patient. I’ve tried to be understanding. I’ve even tried to ignore your obvious attempts to annoy me. Well, I’m done with that. I realize that many of you are upset by the election of President Trump. I also realize that a large number of you have no idea why. At least that’s how it seems when you flaunt your hypocrisy and continually spout falsehoods and obfuscations. At some point you have to ask yourself why, if Mr. Trump is so bad, does his opposition have to make things up to enrage people?  Let’s start with social media’s greatest hits. ‘President Trump removed the Dr. King bust from the White House’. This was a widely reported, outright lie. The “reporter” who initiated that lie later claimed that “someone must have been standing in front of it”. Really? ‘President Trump removed all references to climate change & LGBTQ from Whitehouse.Gov’. Also, ‘President Trump took away a lifeline for struggling Veterans’.  Not true. Yes, these pages were removed from Whitehouse.Gov and migrated to Obamawhitehouse.archives.Gov, along will ALL OTHER materials created by the Obama white house. It is Standard Procedure done by every new administration and has NOTHING to do with policy. Why were just the aforementioned topics singled out? Because, they are the most inflammatory. ‘President Trump has shut down the public call-in line to stifle free speech’. Well, yes, the public call-in line was disconnected, on January 14th by the Obama Administration, as is Standard Procedure.  I could go on and on about this nonsense but let’s move on.
The Women’s March on Washington had some issues in my humble opinion. First of all, the captors were there, so their opinions are derived from a different point of view. The March was covered in profanity and vulgarity. In spite of the vast number of children and young girls that were there, posters, tee shirts and chants were filled with F-bombs and words like pussy and c*unt.  You may call that a “women’s movement” but I call it trash on display. Apparently, one of the rights you're fighting for is the right to be vulgar in public. Wow, empowering. This wonderful gathering of inclusiveness and diversity to lift all women up, blocked and berated Pro-Life women’s groups because, apparently, they only support “choice” if you choose in lock-step. I have news for you. Life is a choice too. If you actually support a woman’s right to choose then you have to support their right to choose life. At some point you really have to ask yourself why you are standing next to a grown woman dressed as a vagina. Hypocrisy?
Let’s just address a few of the more glaring examples of hypocrisy and stupidity on display. Ashley Judd, while decrying Mr. Trump’s “nasty woman” comment, called him “a man who looks like bathes in Cheetos dust”. Name calling, body shaming, shallow; all of the things they claim make President Trump “not their President”. Chelsea Handler proudly proclaimed that Mrs. Trump “barely speaks English” and tweeted out that she hoped “someone was explaining all of this to Melania” Well, the First Lady speaks FIVE languages fluently. Unlike Ms. Handler who apparently only speaks drunken idiot. As far as explaining the proceedings to Mrs. Trump, the first lady is a college grad, unlike, again, Ms. Handler. So after trashing President Trump for his stance on illegal immigrants, she goes on to taunt, mock and demean a legal immigrant. Very inclusive. Very diverse. After ripping the President for his late night tweets, they take to Twitter, not to attack the man, no, to attack his 10 year old son. Bullying? Wasn’t that one of your issues? Hypocrisy? So, the Women’s March on Washington preached of love, diversity and unity but those are just words. Their actions speak a whole lot louder to me. Okay. One final thought. Stop calling President Trump a “Fascist’.  He is not a Fascist. Is he a Nationalist? Yes he is. So am I. I believe that America is the greatest country in the world. So, sue me. The cornerstones of Fascism are ‘no elected representation’, ‘no free market’ and ‘no individualism or individual glory’ where the State controls the press and all other media. That sounds a hell of a lot more like his predecessor than is does about President Trump. Stop labeling people with names you clearly don’t understand. As a matter of fact, why do you follow your own preaching and stop labeling people all together! So, for the reasons that I’ve listed and the many more that I simply didn’t have time to list, you really suck. Please stop Sucking!

Thank You,
Nava Blue

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