
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

A Poem for You!

Hello My Dear Friends!

Twas the week after New Years'
And in each room, bar none
I saw lights and decor
That must be undone.
Off the wall, off the shelf
Do I box, bag or wrap?
Then hoist up in the attic
With other seasonal crap.
The lights and the santas
Make the times warm and gay
Why can't they make decorations
That put themselves away?
Tinsel is lovely
Dangling so bright and pretty
Until you have to remove it
From the back end of your kitty!
Don't get me wrong,
I love Christmas, I do
It's the aftermath of the day
That leaves me so blue.
The stockings looked great as they hung in a row
Now I'll fight with the mantel hooks
Ho freaking Ho.
So My Dear Friends
I resolve for this year
To dump half the stuff
That I've hung to spread cheer.
So many memories
Packed into each holiday treat
But if it doesn't fit in the box
It's going out to the street.
Farewell Santa and reindeer and fake Christmas snow
The attic is too far, so to the roadside you go.
And so I exclaim, with my arms and back sore
I have 12 months to heal
Until I do it once more!

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