
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Quit Your Freakin' Whining!

Hello people. You are really ticking me off! So, highly skilled Walmart workers from across the country are planning a protest on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. They're going to walk off the job because they don't think it's fair to have to work on Thanksgiving. Are you kidding me? Let me enlighten you. Radio, television, newspapers, military, police, fire, doctors, nurses, hospital and ER personnel, bus drivers, cab drivers, nursing home workers, athletes, parking lot attendants, restaurant workers, farmers, truckers, pilots, airline and airport personnel and countless others work on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and every holiday in between. Do you think they want to? NO. They have to work because their job requires it. Now, your job requires it to. I realize that highly skilled positions, like Walmart cashier, will be hard to fill if you walk out the door and, in this blossoming economy, there will be very few people available to take your job. What I don't understand is, what is your end game? What do you hope to accomplish? Yes, a walk out will cost your employer millions of dollars in lost sales and yes, it will cost you your job. Will it end the practice of doing business on holidays? Of course not. Will it improve your working conditions? No. It will simply add hundreds or thousands of unskilled workers to the unemployment rolls. So, get off your dumb, lazy, unskilled asses and go to work. This is the real world people, not an episode of Norma Rae. Speaking as someone who has watched my captor go to work on many a holiday, let me say, do your job and do it well. Don't follow the crowd from the check out line to the unemployment line. If you're still on the fence, ask one of those 18,000 Hostess workers how that whole strike thing worked out for them.

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