Hello my dear friends. I'm sure you've heard about the "Dump Trump" petition circulating the internet. At last count over 400,000 sheeple had signed it. I am not one of them. Why? Because, unlike the growing numbers of sheeple in the world, I actually understand what's going on. Let's examine. The petition, started by MoveOn.org, is a juvenile attempt at political retribution by a barely relevant left wing cadre. They are demanding that Macy's "Dump Trump" because he is, among other things, sexist, racist and crazy. They say this does not fit with the "magic of Macy's". Strangely, these "concerned consumers" have no problem with Russell Simmons, who routinely refers to women as "bitches" and "hos". Nothing sexist there. They have no problem with Sean Combs (Puffy, P.Diddy, etc.) who's been arrested for such upstanding Macy-like things as aggravated assault, weapons possession, possession of stolen property and bribery. Spokesperson Martha Stewart is also an ex-con. No, these concerned Macy's consumers want Donald Trump removed because is an outspokenly Anti Obama. This, of course, makes him a racist. Kanye West rode on the Macy's float after announcing on national TV that "George Bush hates black people". No racism there. Nope. Crazy? Okay, we'll give them that one. Donald Trump may be a little nuts but anyone who pays $50 dollars for a $15 dollar sweater at Macy's is a little nuts in my humble opinion. So let's view this petition for what it is, yet another assault on our freedom of speech. Do or say something that the vocal left doesn't agree with and they want you punished for it. Their first goal is always your income. They want you fired, banned, cancelled, whatever. When that doesn't work, they attack your reputation. Apparently Clint Eastwood isn't a legend. He's a doddering, old fool. You know the drill. So people, before you jump on board another internet "groundswell", take a minute to look for the motive. If you still agree, then by all means, join the fray. Just do your homework first. There are already far to many sheeple in this world.
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