Hello my Dear friends. With all of the Pre Super Bowl hype it is hard to follow all of the stories. This one, however, caught my attention. Baltimore Ravens Cheerleader Courtney Lenz, a senior member of the cheering squad, has been benched for the Super Bowl for what the team is calling "disciplinary action". Lenz says it's because she gain 1.5 pounds. Apparently it is against team regulations for your weight to fluctuate during the season. Lenz was benched back in October after gaining two pounds. The bottom line is that the Baltimore Ravens expect their cheerleaders to be thin. Nobody wants to see a chub bouncing around on the sidelines. So, it's pretty obvious why they would not want this beast representing their team on the world stage....
She's the brunette on the right. Thank God they spared the world from having to look at her! Nice job Baltimore. You've set the standard all young girls can live by. Hey girls, if you want to be a cheerleader, never let yourself go like Courtney Lenz did! It's no wonder they benched her. She's huge!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
It Feels Like the Twilight Zone
Hello My Dear Friends. Some days, I swear, I feel like I've entered an alternate universe. I turn on the news, hit the various on lines news sites and blogs to see what is going on in this crazy world. Some days, like today, I'm left dazed in my chair wondering if I'm being punked. Is it possible that someone has gotten hold of all of my news outlets and planted certain stories to see if my head would explode? Or worse, could these reports be true! Are you aware that a Californian, earning over one million dollars a year, now pays a combined tax rate of 63%. Think about that for a moment. You work all year. You have a home, a family, maybe a business. After all is said and done, you get to keep 37% of what you earn. For every dollar you make, only 37 cents of it is yours. In a state of 14 million people, those earning over a million dollars a year totals just 34,000. Yet those 34,000 people pay 25% of the total taxes collected in the state. Apparently that is considered their fair share. Those Californians making $250,000 a year get off easy. They're only paying a combined tax rate of about 43%. That earning groups pays 62% of all California's taxes. On what planet is this fair? More importantly, how long will it be until other states follow suit?
The Washington, D.C. school district wants to do away with their civics curriculum. for those of you over 50, we used to call that social studies. Why? Because test scores are just too low. It's bringing down the success rate of the school district overall. So, what do they want to replace their civics curriculum with? Gym. Yup. The school district in our Nation's capitol wants to do away with teaching children how our government works and replace it with kickball. Oh my, how bright the future looks.
A 5th grader in Philadelphia was chased down by the school principal who shouted at her that the police would be called.She was physically searched in front of her classmates who then began calling her a "murderer"! Why? Because she brought a gun to school. Where would a 10 year old girl get a gun? Well, she made it.
Not quite as threatening as that Hello Kitty bubble gun that got the Pennsylvania 5 year old suspended and labeled a "terrorist threat" but you can clearly see why the school reacted the way it did.
God help us all!
The Washington, D.C. school district wants to do away with their civics curriculum. for those of you over 50, we used to call that social studies. Why? Because test scores are just too low. It's bringing down the success rate of the school district overall. So, what do they want to replace their civics curriculum with? Gym. Yup. The school district in our Nation's capitol wants to do away with teaching children how our government works and replace it with kickball. Oh my, how bright the future looks.
A 5th grader in Philadelphia was chased down by the school principal who shouted at her that the police would be called.She was physically searched in front of her classmates who then began calling her a "murderer"! Why? Because she brought a gun to school. Where would a 10 year old girl get a gun? Well, she made it.
Not quite as threatening as that Hello Kitty bubble gun that got the Pennsylvania 5 year old suspended and labeled a "terrorist threat" but you can clearly see why the school reacted the way it did.
God help us all!
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
No Brainers
Hello People. I am officially changing the definition of the phrase "no brainer". I'm tired of this phrase being used to end a conversation. People believe that, by ending their point with the phrase "it's a no brainer", their statement is agreed upon by everyone. You don't have to think about it. It's a no brainer. I, for one, believe you should use your brain during every and all conversations. When I'm instructed to accept a statement without using my brain, I become even more skeptical of said statement. Thus, the phrase "it's a no brainer" is, by it's nature, a challenge to do the opposite. So, beginning today, I shall only use the phrase "no brainer" to describe people. Example: Gareth Morgan, a New Zealand environmental advocate, wants his Country to ban cats because they are "natural born killers". Mr. Morgan is a bird lover and a No Brainer! Manti Te'o is a No Brainer. This morning, I heard a political pundit say "the GOP has to stop lying about President Obama, he is very concerned about the national debt. That's why it's 40% lower today than it was 4 years ago". What? The Pundit, is a No Brainer. And, on a side note, if you don't know the difference between the national debt and the national deficit, you really shouldn't discuss politics in public. Anyway, back to my topic. Lindsey Lohan, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, all No Brainers. I think you get my drift. So, the next time someone says to you, "come on, it's a no brainer" I want you to replay. No, you are. Thank you for your time.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thoughts Over Catnip
Hello My Dear Friends. Happy Friday! I was just getting a little nip buzz going when a few thoughts crossed my mind. Lance Armstrong has officially confessed to his "flaws" and proving to America that he's even a bigger douchebag than originally thought. Who knew? American Idol really sucks. I mean REALLY sucks! What is up with Nicki Minaj? Sometimes she talks like a New Yorker. Sometimes she talks like a Brit. Why can't she decide which Country she wants to embarrass? What is with barely relevant celebrities suddenly speaking with a British accent? Madonna, Brittany Spears and now Nicki Minaj. Do they think it makes them sound smart or cultured? If they're trying to find respect, maybe they should keep their mouths shut and their clothes on. Ray Nagin, the former Mayor of New Orleans who created national controversary after hurricane Katrina by telling the federal government to "get off their asses" and send money. Turns out he "allegedly" used that money for his own personal gain. He's just been indicted on 21 counts of bribery and fraud. Charming. You know what else is interesting, folks hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 are still receiving federal aid. Folks hit by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012 are still waiting for theirs. Notre Dame's embattled linebacker Manti Te'o is a moron. How could someone that dumb get into a school like Notre Dame? Oh, that's right, he plays football. This can only go one of two ways. Either he was involved in the hoax and he is the dumbest con man in the history of cons, or he wasn't involved and he's just dumb. I'm leaning toward the former, only because he's changed his story too many times. He said he met her, then her said he didn't. He said they spent time together in Hawaii, then he said she never showed up. Either he set up this pity hoax to improve his chances of winning the Heisman Trophy or he has some really cruel friends with a warped sense of humor. Either way, only an idiot would be involved in something like this. Finally, Dear Abby, Pauline Phillips, has died. I, for one, was amazed to hear she was still alive. She was 94. So, on this Chilly Friday,I will leave you with my favorite Dear Abby quote. "If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we'd all be millionaires".
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
What We Really Need Is People Control
Hello my Dear Friends. As I'm sure you've heard, New York State now has the "toughest gun control laws" in the nation. Without taking sides, let me just say that these new "laws" will have no impact on these mass shootings that horrified our Country. Governor Andrew Cuomo is going to run for President in 2016. This rushed mishmash of bans and regulations was formulated specifically to use as a launching point for his campaign. The President, who will soon release his own batch of "solutions", will cause more harm than good. Why? Because the availability of guns is not the problem. I do not now, nor have I ever owned a gun. I don't like them. That's my choice. Choice is a funny thing. It seems that many people only favor "personal choice" when they are the ones doing the choosing. But, that discussion is for another day. Today, I want to discuss three other reasons I believe are behind the frightening increase in these mass murders; fame, anger and delusion. They go hand in hand. Over the last 15 years or so, we, as a nation, have given a ridiculous importance to "fame". The internet, YouTube and "reality" TV have allowed almost anyone to become "famous". The dumber, more obnoxious, more disgusting, the better. We have made the bad behavior of spoiled little rich kids into entertainment. We have glorified the reckless lives of rednecks, hillbillies, guidos, mob wives, teenage mothers, polygamists and more. We have taught an entire generation that the road to instant success is paved with idiocy. The problem with this, aside from the obvious, is that simply isn't true. For every Honey Boo Boo, there are a hundreds of thousands of other kids who want what she has but will never get it. That makes them angry. Why not me? Why do I have to suffer while those people are getting rich? I'm better than them! Everyone will know my name one day. We all understand that mental illness plays a major role in these tragedies. It is the difference in how we deal with the anger, rejection and failure. My point is that it appears that we've set the bar for fame incredibly low, but the reality is that it is still out of reach for the vast majority. This type of "fame" is a carrot we need to stop dangling. It feeds the delusion. Hand in hand people. Hand in hand. Many people believe "violent video games" play a role in these killings. I think they're right but not for the reasons they're claiming. I don't think these games "desensitize" people to violence. I think they help to create the delusion. Think about this. There's a 17 year old kid, we'll call him Jim. He comes from an average middle class family. Jim is skinny, a little awkward and shy. He's not into sports, girls think he's weird and the other boys bully him. It's not an uncommon scenario. So Jim goes home every day, up to his room to play Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with his virtual friends. In this game, Jim is part of a gang. He has created a persona that is feared, tough and fearless. All of the things that Jim is not. His virtual friends, probably as awkward and shy as Jim in the real world, follow his lead. They respect virtual Jim. Immersing himself in the game makes Jim forget how bad things are in his life. Virtual Jim is powerful and unstoppable. He enters that world and stays for hours on end, sometimes days at a time. The self doubt, the awkwardness, the bullying, the fear, it doesn't exist here. Here, virtual Jim is King. Reality Jim disgusts him now. He believes Reality Jim is a loser. He spends more and more time as virtual Jim, doing all the things Reality Jim could never do. Or could he? You can take it from here. It's a problem. Add to that absent or unsupportive parents, and you can see how tragedies are made. Yes, you can argue that if Jim didn't have access to guns the tragedy could be averted but I think we all know that simply isn't true. Where there's a will, there's a way. So go ahead and ban the "assault weapons" but if you don't address the root of the problem, the ugly underbelly, nothing is going to change. Be well my friend.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Hello my Dear Friends. Today we learned that cyclist Lance Armstrong, in an attempt to salvage his reputation, admitted to Her Majesty Oprah Winfrey, that he did in fact use illegal substances as accused. He has now launched his obligatory "apology tour". Now, I have, in the past, been accused of being too literal so maybe it's just me, BUT does anyone else find it a bit odd that Mr. Armstrong's plan to redeem his reputation as a cheater is to tell everyone that he is a liar? Also, in an attempt to regain the trust of those he deceived, he plans to blow in all of the people who helped him cheat. In the spirit of full disclosure, let me say that I am not a fan of Mr. Armstrong. Not because he is admittedly a liar and a cheat, but because in 2006 he let Sheryl Crow go through breast cancer alone, after she stood by his side while he battled testicular cancer. Also, after he broke off their engagement, he gave a self serving interview claiming he left because her biological clock was ticking and he wasn't ready to "start another family". Of course, a little over a year later he fathered a child with another woman. A real charmer, that guy! Anyway, to recap, Mr. Armstrong would like to be forgiven for cheating. After vehemently denying doping allegations for years, accusing his accusers of lying, alleging an international conspiracy and more, he now says he was lying. He'd like that to be forgiven too. Finally, in an attempt to have his lifetime ban from competing lifted, he says he will identify those who helped him cheat, lie and disgrace the sport he claims to love so dearly. Have I missed anything? I don't think so. Here's a little advice Mr. Armstrong. With a resume like yours, you should be running Congress, not trying to recapture past glory. Glory, by the way, that was never actually yours to begin with.
Friday, January 11, 2013
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Hello my Dear Friends. Every now and then we must examine the thought process behind the decisions people make. The first "decision" that caught my attention comes from the State of Florida. The Florida Everglades are overrun with pythons. So, in an attempt to reduce their population, they came up with the 2013 Python Challenge. Basically, they've asked the general public to sign up, no experience necessary, and head out into the Everglades and hunt pythons...with GUNS. Yup. They're offering cash prizes for the biggest python and the most pythons killed. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? The competition starts tomorrow and runs through February 12th.
A high school teacher English in South Carolina (Scott Compton), in an attempt to teach his students about "symbols", pulled the American Flag down from it's poll in the classroom, threw it on the floor and stomped on it. He did this in 3 separate classes, saying that although it is a "symbol" of America it was actually just a piece of cloth and therefore there would be no repercussions for stomping on it. I should mention that this particular school is in Chapin, S.C., the home of Fort Jackson, the US Army's largest training facility. I'm sure Mr. Compton's last thought, before he was suspended, was What Could Possibly Go Wrong. Well, Mr. Compton, next time you decide to show your disregard for American "symbols" you should really know your audience. Lesson learned.
Celebrities. Miley Cyrus, Prince Harry and now Justin Bieber. All caught on camera misbehaving. The latest, the Biebs, was snapped at a party drinking beer and smoking weed. One day, by the way, after a paparazzo was killed trying to photograph Justin's Ferrari. The paparazzo claimed he had seen Justin, in the car, smoking weed. An allegation Bieber's people vehemently denied. So Celebs, here's a bit of advice. When you're famous, acquaintances are NOT your friends. So you throw a party and cut loose. You're a star. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Well, everyone has a cellphone. Every cellphone has a camera. People will pay for pictures of you. That, my friends, is always a problem.
So people, even though we all make bad decisions, before you dive in, it's okay to step back for a moment and ask yourself "What Could Possibly Go Wrong"?
A high school teacher English in South Carolina (Scott Compton), in an attempt to teach his students about "symbols", pulled the American Flag down from it's poll in the classroom, threw it on the floor and stomped on it. He did this in 3 separate classes, saying that although it is a "symbol" of America it was actually just a piece of cloth and therefore there would be no repercussions for stomping on it. I should mention that this particular school is in Chapin, S.C., the home of Fort Jackson, the US Army's largest training facility. I'm sure Mr. Compton's last thought, before he was suspended, was What Could Possibly Go Wrong. Well, Mr. Compton, next time you decide to show your disregard for American "symbols" you should really know your audience. Lesson learned.
Celebrities. Miley Cyrus, Prince Harry and now Justin Bieber. All caught on camera misbehaving. The latest, the Biebs, was snapped at a party drinking beer and smoking weed. One day, by the way, after a paparazzo was killed trying to photograph Justin's Ferrari. The paparazzo claimed he had seen Justin, in the car, smoking weed. An allegation Bieber's people vehemently denied. So Celebs, here's a bit of advice. When you're famous, acquaintances are NOT your friends. So you throw a party and cut loose. You're a star. What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Well, everyone has a cellphone. Every cellphone has a camera. People will pay for pictures of you. That, my friends, is always a problem.
So people, even though we all make bad decisions, before you dive in, it's okay to step back for a moment and ask yourself "What Could Possibly Go Wrong"?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
A Preponderance of Stupidity
Hello my Dear Friends! Happy New Year. Let me begin by apologizing for being absent for so long. I do feel bad having left you to navigate these troubled times without me. I am aware how crucial my keen insight into the human condition is to you. If I had a nickle for every time I've heard WWPD! Anyway, breath easy. I'm here for you. First, let's talk politics. A recent survey, conducted by Public Policy Polling, asked participants the following, "What do you have a higher opinion of, Congress or...". Some of the choices that scored higher than Congress include Lice, Colonoscopies and Traffic Jams. According to the survey, released yesterday, the majority of those asked also had a higher opinion of cockroaches, used car salesmen and the band Nickelback, than Congress. Fear not, Congress did not come in dead last in the poll. A majority of those polled did prefer Congress to Meth Labs, Lindsay Lohan and Gonorrhea. This is the world we live in. I know what you're thinking. Yes, the majority of those polled did have a higher opinion of Congress than the Ebola Virus. Enough said. Next, as you know, the price of a college education has skyrocketed over the past decade. Obtaining a degree from a top university will set you back a quarter of a million dollars. So, what are you getting for your money? Well, the answer to that may rest with whom, exactly, is teaching your kids. In just the past few weeks several examples of just who is shaping the minds of the next generation. A Georgetown University "Professor" and MSNBC contributor, Michael Eric Dyson, said the GOP would continue to "block and obstruct President Obama's agenda" because of "Negrophobia". Yup, that's it. Dr. James Fetzer, professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, wrote that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School was carried out by Israel's Mossad death squad to strike fear in the hearts of Americans. He went on to say that it was all part of a greater US Government plot to wage violent war on the American people. Okey Dokey. Professor James Tracy, of Florida Atlantic University, said in a radio interview that the massacre in Newtown, Conn., probably didn't even happen. He claims "crisis actors" were sent in by the Obama Administration to stage the attack to further the administrations gun control agenda. If you'd like to send your child to FAU, you can do so for a mere $35,265 per year. Finally, for today, I know you're wondering, 'Gee PoKitty, how do we feel about the Buffalo Bills hiring former Syracuse University head coach Doug Marrone as their new head coach'? Well, we're not happy but we're taking a wait and see approach. It was reported today that Marrone is bringing Syracuse Offensive Coordinator Nate Hackett to Buffalo with him. Add to that that it is widely believed the Bills will draft Syracuse QB Ryan Nassib. This would lead one to believe that someone thinks this year's SU offense was of NFL quality. That's a pretty big leap considering they went 8-5 in the Big East (not exactly a powerhouse division). With that said, I think Ryan Nassib is an outstanding QB with endless potential. He belongs in the NFL and I hope it's true that he will be coming to Buffalo. As for the rest of it, including the addition of former Jets defensive coordinator Mike Pettine (according to Twitter), no one knows what will happen. So, like every other year, I will remain cautiously optimistic about the coming season.
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