
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

It Feels Like the Twilight Zone

Hello My Dear Friends. Some days, I swear, I feel like I've entered an alternate universe. I turn on the news,  hit the various on lines news sites and blogs to see what is going on in this crazy world. Some days, like today, I'm left dazed in my chair wondering if I'm being punked.  Is it possible that someone has gotten hold of all of my news outlets and planted certain stories to see if my head would explode? Or worse, could these reports be true! Are you aware that a Californian, earning over one million dollars a year, now pays a combined tax rate of 63%. Think about that for a moment. You work all year. You have a home, a family, maybe a business. After all is said and done, you get to keep 37% of what you earn. For every dollar you make, only 37 cents of it is yours. In a state of 14 million people, those earning over a million dollars a year totals just 34,000. Yet those 34,000 people pay 25% of the total taxes collected in the state. Apparently that is considered their fair share. Those Californians making $250,000 a year get off easy. They're only paying a combined tax rate of about 43%. That earning groups pays 62% of all California's taxes. On what planet is this fair? More importantly, how long will it be until other states follow suit?
The Washington, D.C. school district wants to do away with their civics curriculum. for those of you over 50, we used to call that social studies. Why? Because test scores are just too low. It's bringing down the success rate of the school district overall. So, what do they want to replace their civics curriculum with? Gym. Yup. The school district in our Nation's capitol wants to do away with teaching children how our government works and replace it with kickball. Oh my, how bright the future looks.
A 5th grader in Philadelphia was chased down by the school principal who shouted at her that the police would be called.She was physically searched in front of her classmates who then began calling her a "murderer"! Why? Because she brought a gun to school. Where would a 10 year old girl get a gun? Well, she made it.
Not quite as threatening as that Hello Kitty bubble gun that got the Pennsylvania 5 year old suspended and labeled a "terrorist threat" but you can clearly see why the school reacted the way it did.
God help us all!

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