
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Hello my Dear Friends. Today we learned that cyclist Lance Armstrong, in an attempt to salvage his reputation, admitted to Her Majesty Oprah Winfrey, that he did in fact use illegal substances as accused.  He has now launched his obligatory "apology tour". Now, I have, in the past, been accused of being too literal so maybe it's just me, BUT does anyone else find it a bit odd that Mr. Armstrong's plan to redeem his reputation as a cheater is to tell everyone that he is a liar? Also, in an attempt to regain the trust of those he deceived, he plans to blow in all of the people who helped him cheat. In the spirit of full disclosure, let me say that I am not a fan of Mr. Armstrong. Not because he is admittedly a liar and a cheat, but because in 2006 he let Sheryl Crow go through breast cancer alone, after she stood by his side while he battled testicular cancer. Also, after he broke off their engagement, he gave a self serving interview claiming he left because her biological clock was ticking and he wasn't ready to "start another family". Of course, a little over a year later he fathered a child with another woman. A real charmer, that guy!  Anyway, to recap, Mr. Armstrong would like to be forgiven for cheating. After vehemently denying doping allegations for years, accusing his accusers of lying, alleging an international conspiracy and more, he now says he was lying. He'd like that to be forgiven too. Finally, in an attempt to have his lifetime ban from competing lifted, he says he will identify those who helped him cheat, lie and disgrace the sport he claims to love so dearly. Have I missed anything? I don't think so. Here's a little advice Mr. Armstrong. With a resume like yours, you should be running Congress, not trying to recapture past glory. Glory, by the way, that was never actually yours to begin with.

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