
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Excuse Me?

Hello My Dear Friends. I hope you're sitting down because I have some shocking news. Are you ready? A lengthy investigation has revealed corruption in New York politics! I know, right! I, for one, am stunned! Corrupt politicians in New York? It's amazing but true. Fear not my dear friends because Governor Cuomo and many of his Democratic sidekicks have a solution. They believe that having you and I pay for political campaigns would put an end to the corruption. LOL! Yes, they are serious. There are many, many reasons why this proposition is even more ridiculous than it sounds but let's focus on the most obvious. 32 elected officials have been indicted for corruption in the last 7 years. Elected Officials. Not Candidates For Office. Elected Officials. This would lead one to believe that their shameless behavior happens after the campaign. So, you and me paying for said campaign would have no bearing on their latter wrong doing. It is power that corrupts. Power and greed. Those lovely qualities tend to rear their heads after one achieves office. Most of these recent corruption cases stem from soliciting bribes and "misappropriating" funds. So, these sleazy individuals obviously weren't satisfied with any payoffs that came before they took office. Apparently all of that PAC money only buys you the opportunity to offer bribes at a later date. So, while we are cutting funding to schools and the disabled, isn't it a little ridiculous to be discussing spending $200 million taxpayer dollars on campaigns? Raise your own damn money. People who are morally bankrupt enough to accept bribes are going to do what they do regardless of who puts them into office. So Governor, and the rest of you who want to "clean up Albany", try this. Any elected officials convicted of corruption gets a mandatory 10 year prison sentence, forfeits their pension and all future benefits, is banned from holding public office for life and is fined the equivalent of all money earned while in office.  Want to bet that has more of an effect than public campaign finance? If you want to stop corruption, make the punishment hurt. Really hurt! That, and only that, will stem the tide of corruption. You know I'm right.

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