Hello My Dear Friends. Miss me? Of course you did. I do apologize for my lengthy absence. You must have been lost without me. But, enough about you. As I write this, we are just learning details on this crazy story out of Cleveland where three girls, now women, have been held captive for 10 years! Remember when you actually knew your neighbors? I have to say, when the officer in charge starts off a press conference by saying "alls I know right now...", I have serious concerns about the investigation moving forward. But, that's for another day. Today I'd like to talk about jet fuel. That's right, I said jet fuel. Not just your average, everyday jet fuel. Oh, no. This is "green" renewable jet fuel. You see, in this era of "sequestration" where we have been warned of impending fiscal disaster, massive job loss and an under funded, under staffed military, our Government has inked a deal with Gevo, a US biofuel producer, to purchase up to 12,500 gallons of it's renewable green fuel. Geno makes Isobutanol from corn which can then be mixed with gasoline or converted into hydrocarbon fuels or chemicals. Why, you ask, do we need to know this? There are two reasons, really. First, because our Government agreed to purchase this fuel at $59 a gallon. The current cost of jet fuel is $3.73 a gallon. That's an increase of $55.27 a gallon or $690,875 for 12,500 gallons. Doesn't really sound like they're taking those budget cuts too seriously, does it? Second, the company chosen to supply this wonder fuel is Gevo. The same Gevo that had to shut down it's Minnesota plant last September due to contamination, halting it's production of Isobutanol. It's stock has been downgraded and it's financial future is bleak. Sound familiar? Solyndra, (declared bankruptcy after receiving $535 million taxpayer dollars); Abound Solar (bankrupt after receiving $70 million taxpayer dollars); Nevada Geothermal Power, (teetering on bankruptcy after $98.5 million taxpayer dollars); Fisker Automotive (circling the bowl with $529 million in taxpayer dollars). Does anyone else see a pattern here? This latest Government folly is a slap in the face to each and every American taxpayer. The really frightening thing is, compared to some other recent revelations, this green fuel investment almost seems tame. The GAO (Government Accountability Office) conducted an audit and determined that 50%, yes HALF, of overall Government credit card purchases were "improper, fraudulent or embezzled". Some of the purchases included Xboxes, iPads, internet dating services, lingerie, jewelry and Hawaiian vacations. There was a $13,500 dinner (singular) charged by the postal service at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse which included 200 appetizers and over $3000 in alcohol! Did you know that there is a $2.6 million dollar Government program that teaches Chinese Prostitutes to drink responsibly while on the job? It's true. So, when you hear your elected officials telling you that children will go hungry, homeland security will fail and millions of jobs will be lost if taxes are not increased, you can take solace in the fact that at least their hookers will be sober!
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