Hello My Dear Friends. When will the Hollywood elite learn that they are not as smart or clever as they think they are? Today we take a look at actor Ben Affleck. Ben has announced that, in an effort to bring attention to poverty in this country, he will live on $1.50 a day for one week. That's $10.50 for the week. Wow! What a selfless gesture. Of course, unless he lives naked on the street, the minute he walks through the door of his multi-million dollar mansion, he will have exceeded that budget by several decades. That fact aside, what do we have here. We have a self aggrandizing millionaire going on a crash diet for the sake of the poor among us. First of all Mr. Affleck, the poorest among us, those on public assistance, get, on average, $500 a month for food and incidentals, for a single person. I believe the average in New York for a single person is $300 a month in cash and $200 a month for food. This doesn't take into account housing or health care, which they also get free of charge. Anyway, my point here is that comes to about $16 dollars a day or $112.00 a week. 10 times more than you're little experiment in social consciousness. Next, although I understand the premise behind this gesture, aside from getting more wanted publicity for yourself, it won't change a damn thing. If you want to draw attention to poverty in this nation Mr. Affleck, why don't you donate one of your millions to a homeless shelter or food bank. Then publicly call on your elite friends to do the same. You'll get all of the same publicity, maybe more, and you'll actually be doing something to make it better. Finally Mr. Affleck, living on $1.50 a day for a week is quite different from living in poverty. You see, after 7 days you will return to your life of privilege and the only one who will benefit from your gesture will be you. You sir, are a Goober. I hope all of the publicity you generate is worth you $10.50.
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