
Monday, April 8, 2013

Lessons to Be Learned

Hello My Dear Friends. It is with heavy heart today that I write about the passing of Great Britain's greatest Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. I won't bore you with history. There is no question that Margaret Thatcher, against the greatest odds, saved Great Britain. She and America's greatest President Ronald Reagan, changed the course of this world. Unfortunately, their successors are hell bent on bringing us back there but, alas, that is for another blog. I want to tell you what Margaret Thatcher taught my captor. She was, in her prime, the most powerful woman in the world. The term "Iron Lady" was actually bestowed upon her by the Russians as an insult. Much to their chagrin, she embraced it. Mrs. Thatcher refused to compromise. She defeated the Tory men who'd held exclusive control, oppressing women and minorities. She fought the unions. She sold off Government controlled industry. In spite of what many people think after seeing Phyllida Lloyd's "historically questionable" 2011 movie, she led with grace, integrity and fortitude. She never gave up. She never let up. She proved that a women could lead the world. To a young woman growing up, she was an amazing role model of what could be. She wasn't perfect. No one is. But history (actual history, not that crap on TV and in the movies), as it was to Ronald Reagan, will be very kind to Mrs. Thatcher. So, with that in mind, let me leave you with my favorite Margaret Thatcher quote, maybe my favorite quote of all time:
"If you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman". 
RIP Mrs. Thatcher.

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