
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Best and Worst of Times

Hello My Dear Friends. This week, once again, we have witnessed the very worst and the very best of humankind. We watched in horror as those bombs exploded in Boston, turning the beauty of the Boston Marathon into an unspeakable nightmare. We also watched in awe as selfless people rushed toward the danger to help in any way they could. Some of those people were first responders, who make their living protecting and, when necessary, saving the rest of us. Many of those people were just bystanders, people like you and I, who didn't stop to consider the danger to themselves, but rushed in to help who they could. We heard the stories of runners, who had just completed their 26.2 mile run, crossing the finish line and continuing to run to the hospital, hoping to give blood to aid the victims.  We heard of Bostonians who opened their homes to strangers who had nowhere else to go, offering not only shelter but safety and compassion. This is what America is all about. Those of you who know me know I am a avid sports fan. More than that, an avid New York sports fan. Because of this I often have less than neighborly things to say about Boston. It is a rivalry that runs deep. Comedian Jon Stewart said it best. He said that in times like these we realize that the rivalry between New York and Boston sports fans is really a "sibling rivalry" because, in the end, we are all brothers and sisters. I couldn't agree more. Who but New Yorkers know better what our brothers and sisters in Boston are going through; what they will be going through as the dust settles and the healing and rebuilding begins. Our hearts go out to them in the most sincere way. This is all the best of humankind. The person or people responsible for these bombs are beyond evil. One has to wonder what could fill a soul with such hatred and inhumanity. They will be caught and punished. Of that, I have no doubt. There have also been other examples of the worst of humankind. This comes in the aftermath of this tragedy. I am aware of a lest four men (and I use that term loosely) who chose to put their own twisted agendas ahead of all that is reasonable. Michael Moore, the "film maker", less than 24 hours after the terrorist attack, sent out a Tweet blaming the bombings on the Tea Party. Chris Matthews, the MSNBC commentator, chose to blame "right wing extremists". On Capitol Hill, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md) blamed the Government Sequester as did Rep Xavier Becerra (D-CA). I can not even express the level of disgust I feel for these people. To use this tragedy, less than 24 hours old at the time, to advance a political agenda is beyond disgusting, beyond deplorable. I, personally, have begun to expect nothing less from these individuals. They are so consumed with their self serving, leftist politics, and their never ending quest to remain relevant, that they can see the damage that they do. They are shameless headline whores who serve as poster children for the worst of humankind. So my dear friends, as you say a prayer for Boston tonight, add a prayer for those shameless individuals who know not what they do.

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