"... it is not retribution for the kind of torture inflicted by American security forces acting under the authority of the government, verified by pictures of the humiliation of Islamic prisoners at Abu Ghraib or in light of the authoritative reports of officially sanctioned torture as detailed in the 577 page report of a task force chaired by two former senators - one a Republican, the other a Democrat - and containing senior military and security officials.
Is it not time that one among our politicians had the courage to connect these dots? Can we not ponder WH Auden's haunting line: "Those to whom evil is done/do evil in return"?
Charming, right? Now we hear about a high school in Williamson County, Tennessee that is teaching students in a geography class that suicide bombings may be an acceptable retaliation in war time. You really can't make this stuff up. The textbook in the class poses the following question for discussion:
"If a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism, or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions?"
Some parents have found that "discussion" to be offensive. Especially Jewish parents! I have to agree. The school board says there's nothing wrong with it because it's only posed to spark discussion. Well, mission accomplished. What the heck is going on with education in this Country? Every day there's another example of the education system teaching children the wrong is right and right is wrong. It's really out of control. A 5 year old suspended for biting his pop tart into the shape of a gun; a student asked to turn his tee shirt inside out because it had an Army logo on it; a 6th grade student forced to write that he must give up "some constitutional rights" for the sake of safety; a college professor ordering students to write the word "God" on a piece of paper, throw it on the floor and stomp on it, then throwing out a student who refused to do so. When will this end? Is it just me or has the educational system gone mad? Blessed are the Stupid....
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