
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Ignorance is Bliss

Hello My Dear Friends. Never in my lifetime have I ever been so amazed at the goings on in this Country. Talk about the inmates running the asylum! The position of the White House, on everything, is to obfuscate, redirect and deny. Let's review. On September 11, 2012 and into the early morning hours of September 12th, heavily armed terrorists attacked an American Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi, Libya and a CIA compound. 4 Americans, including the US Ambassador, were killed. 10 others people were injured. First the President said that he and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton given up to the minute reports on the events as they unfolded. He also said he immediately declared the siege a terrorist attack. We all know now that none of that was true. A full week after the attack the President and his spokespeople were still blaming the deaths on a random attack sparked by a YouTube Video. Now the President says this whole thing" is being blown out of proportion" and he wasn't actually kept apprised of the situation as it unfolded. Mrs. Clinton says "was it because of a protest or guys out for a walk who decided they'd kill some Americans-What difference, at this point, does it matter now"? What difference, indeed. Both the President and Mrs. Clinton say they were not aware of requests for increased security at that Embassy. Really? I won't even get into the ridiculously altered, or should I say fictionalized, "talking points". Lois Lerner, director of the IRS's Exempt Organization Division, acknowledged that IRS investigators targeted conservative groups with "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in their titles for added scrutiny. They collected or attempted to collect political and donor information. The President says he knew nothing about it. Even though Lerner apologized for the wrongdoing, the Administration still says "if" these things happened. IF? Seriously? We now know that the Department of Justice collected phone records from the Associated Press and their employees. This includes their personal phones. Attorney General Eric Holder says he knew nothing about it even though we all know it could never have happened without his signature. The President says he knows nothing about it. Let's not forget, although the press did, the ATF's Operation Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal that has since been swept under the carpet. Once again, the Attorney General and the President knew nothing about it. So, my question to you is, If the Secretary of State isn't overseeing the State Department, the Attorney General ins't overseeing the Department of Justice, no one is overseeing the IRS and the President isn't overseeing his Staff, Who the hell is running the show?

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