
Monday, February 29, 2016


Hello My Dear Friends. I am slowly recovering from my wild Birthday Bash! Thank you to all of you who came to worship me on the anniversary of my birth! Moving on. The brain trust that is the New York State Board of Regents has voted to allow undocumented workers, that would be illegal aliens, to apply for their teaching license. They've also opened up 52 other professional licenses to illegals. Among them are pharmacists, engineers, nurses, dentists and more. The BOR says we shouldn't be "shutting the door on their dreams". It's funny, really, because if they had registered to be citizens we wouldn't be discussing whether or not they should register to be nurses.  I Love NY!
So, as this cantankerous Presidential primary season drags on, I am continuously awed by how clueless some people are. Case on point; Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse. The first term republican says he will not support Donald Trump, even if he wins the nomination. Translation: I know more than the voters do so I will do want I want, not what you want. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is encouraging republicans up for re-election to verbally attack Mr.Trump. It doesn't matter to me how you feel about Donald Trump, love him or hate him, that's your right. However, what you're hearing from the likes of McConnell and Sasse, is politics as usual gasping for air. After all that has happened, these two Goobers still don't see that it is exactly this behavior that gave rise to Donald Trump. The Trump Phenomenon, as well as the Bernie Sanders Experiment, is the average voter shouting at the top of their lungs, ENOUGH! Enough of the ruling class. Enough of politics as usual. Enough corruption. Enough of voting your will and not mine. Enough career politicians. Enough gridlock. Enough of thinking you know better. Enough all ready. Sasse proudly stood and said he didn't care what the voters wanted. He would do what he wanted. That is not what you were elected to do. That's not what any of you were elected to do. You were sent to Washington to represent us, not rule us. You are elected to carry out the will of the people. Perhaps you should think about that.
Cal State University's Young Americans Foundation invited conservative writer Ben Shapiro to campus to speak on 'free speech in America'. Know what happened? Yup. Student and faculty protesters shut it down. Oh, and the university threatened to pull the funding of the student group. Protesters say they wanted to promote "the value of safe spaces" on campus. Apparently free speech makes college students feel unsafe. Anyway, You'll be happy to hear that the scheduled speech by radical communist Angela Davis will go on as scheduled.
Finally, The Oscars were held last night (yawn) and Leo Dicaprio used his pity award to once again show what a moron he is. Leo gave a heartwarming soliloquy on the imminent dangers of global warming. As an example of the problem he described how they had to move the filming of his movie, The Revenant, "to the southern tip of this planet just to be able to find snow". That probably had more to do with El Nino than global warming but, with that said, what size carbon footprint do you think moving a thousand person Hollywood movie crew from Alberta, Canada to Argentina left, Mr. Dicaprio? How much of the pristine landscape of Tierra del Fuego was trampled by your film crew? If you are so passionate about global warming Mr. Dicaprio, you should try practicing what you preach.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Thoughts Over Catnip

Hello My Dear Friends! Tomorrow, my minions all plan to gather here at the prison, making the birth of their greatest blessing, ME! That's right. My birthday is actually Monday, February 29th. I am a leap Kitty, so technically I will be 4. In reality this will mark my 16th year or, in Kitty years, I will be turning 80! With age comes wisdom so, as I often do heading into the weekend, let me lay some wisdom on you...
After last night's republican debate, the political "pundits" said the overall winner was the democrats. Really? It's funny. In all my years I have never heard one person say, 'I'm a republican but I don't like these guys. I'd rather vote for a socialist'! I don't think so.
Former model Cheryl Tiegs slammed Sports Illustrated and their full figured cover girl Ashley Graham saying SI was promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Said Tiegs, "I don't like that were talking about full-figured women because it's glamorizing them because your waist should be smaller than 35 inches".  Yikes! I truly dislike people who judge others on their appearance but, in this case, Tiegs may have a point. Look how unhealthy this woman is...
It almost makes to want you to call 911. She looks like she could drop at any moment! Thank goodness that plastic surgery isn't unhealthy or Tiegs would be in trouble herself...

Who looks healthier to you? Yep. Me too. Anyway. Can we please stop making woman above size 2 feel inferior. To quote Carole King, "You're beautiful as you feel". Oh ya, screw you Cheryl Tiegs!
Finally, at the Menlo Park campus of Facebook, Inc, thay have what they call "Free Expression Walls". Employees are encouraged to freely express themselves on chalkboards hung around the campus. Apparently, "freely" is a relative term at Facebook. It seems that one of the employees chose to freely change a "black lives matter" entry to "all lives matter". That's a no no at Facebook. King Zuckerberg called the expression "malicious" and sent out a memo saying that "this has been a deeply hurtful and tiresome experience"" and they were "investigating the current incident". So much for free expression! Enjoy the weekend!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Thoughts Over Catnip

Hello My Dear Friends! Happy Friday. I remember a time when companies actually appreciated your business. When a deal was a deal and the customers was usually, if not always, right. Boy are those days gone. The captor is in the middle of a dispute with DirecTV. The bottom line is that DirecTV could not deliver what they promised. Their service was sketchy at best, they "accidentally" overcharged the account and offered misleading, to say the least, information. They are a disreputable company. So, after explaining to them the reasons why it was time to sever ties, DirecTV says they are owed $200 for early termination. Now, I fully understand early termination fees, however, not when it is the company's fault. The service was terminated because it didn't work. This seems to be lost on DirecTV. So here is my point; for a one time payment of $200, DirecTV went from a former user who would have walked away and said "it just didn't work for me" to this, an angry consumer who feels cheated and plans to share those feeling with anyone who asks for the rest of her natural life. Was it worth it? Only time will tell....
Irony 101...Yesterday a friend "liked" my last posting and then "shared" one of those damn political memes filled with untruths, all in one Farcebook sitting! I'm still scratching my head over which one she didn't actually read...
President Obama has decided to blow off Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's funeral. He and the Mrs. will swing by the Court today to pay their "respects" although that rings a little hollow since the respectful thing would be to attend the funeral. You can't really blame him. The funeral is on Saturday and good tee times are hard to get....
I'm sure you've heard about the flap over Beyonce's Super Bowl Halftime Show. She, for some reason, paid homage to the Black Panthers and Black Lives Matter groups during her performance. That made a lot of people, especially law enforcement, angry. Well, here comes the payback. Police in Miami are refusing to provide security for her upcoming concert. It is a voluntary assignment and they have decided, en masse, to decline. They have called on their brethren in other cities to do the same. You had to see this coming, right? Color me Blue. I side with the Police....
Finally, Medical Daily magazine had a Psychologist analyze Kayne West's tweets to offer some insight into the, shall we say volatile, musician. After much study Dr. Jean Twenge declared that Mr. West is a narcissist! Wow. Thank you Dr. Obvious. We never would have figured that out without your help! Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Oh The Things We Believe!

Hello My Dear Friends! As I sit here on my throne, watching this world spin wildly out of control, I can't help but wonder how we went astray. When did people become so gullible? I think this traces back to the collapse of the Forth Estate (that's the news media for those of you under 30). Because we can no longer fully trust anything that is being reported, we seem to believe whatever sounds right. Here's a revelation for you folks, there are people out there who understand this and use it, quite successfully, to manipulate you. Let's start with  Farcebook memes. These are amazing little tools used for several purposes. First, they are used to "data mine". Every time you like, share or comment on one of these memes, you're offering yourself up to data miners who's job it is to collect as much personal information on as many people as possible. That information is then sorted, categorized and sold to a myriad of entities including advertisers, marketers and political strategists. It's an incredibly lucrative business. That brings me to the second purpose of these memes. I find it dumbfounding how many people believe everything they see on a meme. Again, people know this and use it to manipulate you. This is a core tactic of liberal politics. A current case on point is the flurry of memes saying Donald Trump will end gay marriage. This is used to keep gay voters in the liberal fold. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Government knows this is nonsense. Regardless of political views, the President doesn't have the power or the authority to override the Supreme Court. That's why we have a separation of powers in this Country. Did you know that about 75% of those "quote memes" are credited to the wrong person? My point here is, don't believe everything you read.
Apple is in a battle with the government over unlocking the iPhone of terrorist Syed Farook. Apple says the technology doesn't exist and they wont create it. Are we to believe that Apple has created an operating system that even it can't access? iPhone has a security feature that basically erases all of the data if 10 incorrect passcode attempts are made. The government wants Apple to override that feature on this ONE particular phone. Apple says it can't do it. I find that impossible to believe. I find it far more plausible that Apple does a robust business overseas and doesn't want to lose it's Jihadist consumer base. Shame on them.
Finally, Kanye West says he's $53 million in debt. Apparently people believe this because a GoFundMe page set up for him has already collected about $3500! Can you imagine sending your hard earned dollars to Kanye West? Does that man look broke to you? Good Grief! People will believe anything these days.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Valentine To You

Hello My Dear Friends! Although I believe Valentine's Day is a manufactured Hallmark holiday not really worthy of my time, I also realize that many of you humans feel differently. Therefore, I have composed a little poem to mark the occasion.

My Valentine

You kidnapped me when I was born
Ripped from my dear Mother's teat
I'm now held captive in this dump
Oh Lordy, what a treat!

Humans picked this day of love
To show how much they care
And to prove to those who are alone
That life just isn't fair!

You give each other sweets and blooms
And little diamond rocks
To me, a sign of human love
Is to clean my litter box!

So on this Day of Valentine
I know one thing is true
I didn't choose the peeps I love
But I guess I'm stuck with you!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Say What Now?

Hello My Dear Friends! The other day, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, stumping for her friend Hillary, said that there was a "special place in hell for women who don't help each other". Ignoring the fact that, if that statement were true, her candidate would have VIP seating in that special place, Albright should know better. Trying to shame young women into casting their votes based on anatomy or hormonal balance is just plain stupid. Gloria Steinem, the day before, announced that young women were supporting Bernie Sanders because "that's where the boys are". Wow. So, it appears Mrs. Clinton's new campaign strategy is "Hey girls, you don't really know what you're doing so you may as well do it with me"! "Sisterhood, it's not for the well informed"! Now, granted, Albright and Steinem are 78 & 81 respectively and, with all do respect, haven't had any use for their ovaries for the better part of 30 years so this line of campaigning could be the equivalent of 'taking the old girls out for one last spin'. Either way, it's insulting and it will not produce the outcome you were hoping for.
Carolina Panthers QB Cam Newton decided to use his post-game press conference to show the world what a poor sport he is. He pouted, sighed and walked out before the press conference was over. Classy. After much criticism, Newton defended his behavior by saying, " I'm on record as being a sore loser. I hate losing. You show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser".  Someone give that man a Participation Trophy! The problem here, Mr. Newton, is that you fail to see the difference between good loser and good person. You are neither. No one expects you to be happy about losing. People do expect a grown man to act like a man. You failed miserably. Anyone can be gracious when they're winning. Character, Mr. Newton, is defined by how you act when times are tough.
Finally, during Sunday's Superbowl, a group called NARAL, a pro-abortion lobbying group, spent their time trolling commercials for "sexist" content. Amazingly, they found something wrong with nearly every ad that aired! Among the tops of their hit parade, The Hyundai ad with Kevin Hart (one of my personal favs) was "sexist" and "misogynistic" for not trusting his daughter and basically stalking her. The Snickers commercial was "trans-phobic" because it had a man in a dress. Then there was the Doritos commercial where the Dad was eating Doritos during the ultrasound. NARAL took issue with Doritos for "trying to humanize a fetus". LOL! You do realize that it is human, right? I mean, she's not going to give birth to a Volvo. Geez. Lighten up! Whether you believe that life begins at conception or at birth, I think we can agree that said life is a human one. Or maybe it's a puppy-monkey-baby, puppy-monkey-baby, puppy-monkey-baby!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Thoughts Over Catnip

Hello My Dear Friends! You know how, sometimes, when you're dealing with someone who is really rude, you take a deep breath and continue to be pleasant in spite of them? Sometimes your effort pays off and they come around to the nice side. Sometimes. Then there are those people who, no matter how hard you try, are just plain rude. Normally, I quietly envision myself smacking them in the head and try to get my business done as quickly as possible. Today, however, this woman was so rude I couldn't breath deep enough. So, I said, as evenly as possible, "If you find this job so overwhelming why don't you find something more your speed, like medical guinea pig or human test dummy"? It got a few chuckles from the other people in line. The rude woman, however, was shocked. She glared at me and handed me my bag. As I walked away I heard her say "I don't need this shit". I beg to differ. I think you do!
I saw a story on the news today where a giant crane in NYC crashed to the ground, killing one person and injuring two others. I thought, wow, that really speaks to the randomness of life. One minute you're sitting in your car fiddling with the radio and the next, BAM, a giant crane falls on your head. The end. What are the odds.
Do you ever wonder why lemon juice has artificial flavoring but dish washing liquid has real lemons?
Or why you never see the headline "Psychic wins lottery"? Maybe it's just me. I picked up a bag of Fritos that had a sticker on it that read "You may be a winner; No purchase necessary; Details inside". I was tempted to rip it open but I didn't think the store would see the humor in it.
I'll leave you with this, my friends. An ancient Greek sculpture, currently being housed at the J Paul Getty Museum in Malibu, is believed to be from the year 100BC. It has many from the tinfoil hat brigade claiming that it is proof that time travel exists. You be the judge...
Personally, I think it's a pizza. Enjoy the Weekend!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Enough Already!

Hello My Dear Friends! As I may have mentioned, once or twice, the majority of stress in my life comes from having to deal with people. I have come to accept that good people are now in the minority, overtaken by the goobers of the world. Case on point, people who wear their pajamas in public! You know, it used to be that just a handful of these goobers wandered the earth. Now they're everywhere. What is wrong with these people? What ever gave you the idea that it was okay to go to the supermarket, bank or any business IN YOUR PAJAMAS? Are you afraid that you might happen upon a public bedroom and be unprepared? I just don't get it. How hard is it to put on a pair of pants? Can you really be that lazy? I've had enough of you. You're not Hugh Hefner. Put your damn pants on! And, while I'm at it, pull them up where they belong Goober!
An elementary school principal in Brooklyn has pulled out her politically correct eraser and "scrubbed down" the school. Valentine's Day, President's Day and Halloween have been cancelled. Thanksgiving has become "Harvest Festival" and Christmas is now "Winter Celebration". Santa, who she labeled a religious figure, has been banned. This woman, Eujin Kim, also discontinued the Pledge of Allegiance. In a memo she informed the staff to "Be sensitive to the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays". Ms. Kim also ordered that all classrooms be cleared of "clutter". Turn out "clutter" to Ms. Kim includes books and school supplies. She had them all hauled down to the gym where she told parents to take what they wanted and then threw the rest away. Among that "clutter" were boxes of newly purchased reading books that Ms. Kim said she didn't care for. Her next move was to paint over or remove historic murals from the auditorium. They were replace by 5 newly purchased 80-inch Sharp flat screen smart TVs, at a cost of $3000 a piece. According to teachers at the school, they have never been used. How bright the future looks.
The liberal indoctrination of America's youth continues. Iowa State University is holding a "Social Justice Summit" later this month. Here's the problem. The University defines social justice as "the continuous process of eliminating ignorance and prejudice, to bring about greater equity among all members of society via redistribution of resources, opportunities and responsibilities".  Um, No. Social Justice is "the principle that all individuals and groups are entitled to fair and impartial treatment". Excuse me ISU but the "redistribution of resources, opportunities and responsibilities" is Socialism not Social Justice. There is no justice in taking something from someone who earned it and giving it to someone who didn't. See the difference there? One would think that by charging students $10,000 a semester you could afford a dictionary. Should we expect anything better from a State that flips a coin to choose presidential candidates? Goobers!