
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Oh The Things We Believe!

Hello My Dear Friends! As I sit here on my throne, watching this world spin wildly out of control, I can't help but wonder how we went astray. When did people become so gullible? I think this traces back to the collapse of the Forth Estate (that's the news media for those of you under 30). Because we can no longer fully trust anything that is being reported, we seem to believe whatever sounds right. Here's a revelation for you folks, there are people out there who understand this and use it, quite successfully, to manipulate you. Let's start with  Farcebook memes. These are amazing little tools used for several purposes. First, they are used to "data mine". Every time you like, share or comment on one of these memes, you're offering yourself up to data miners who's job it is to collect as much personal information on as many people as possible. That information is then sorted, categorized and sold to a myriad of entities including advertisers, marketers and political strategists. It's an incredibly lucrative business. That brings me to the second purpose of these memes. I find it dumbfounding how many people believe everything they see on a meme. Again, people know this and use it to manipulate you. This is a core tactic of liberal politics. A current case on point is the flurry of memes saying Donald Trump will end gay marriage. This is used to keep gay voters in the liberal fold. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of Government knows this is nonsense. Regardless of political views, the President doesn't have the power or the authority to override the Supreme Court. That's why we have a separation of powers in this Country. Did you know that about 75% of those "quote memes" are credited to the wrong person? My point here is, don't believe everything you read.
Apple is in a battle with the government over unlocking the iPhone of terrorist Syed Farook. Apple says the technology doesn't exist and they wont create it. Are we to believe that Apple has created an operating system that even it can't access? iPhone has a security feature that basically erases all of the data if 10 incorrect passcode attempts are made. The government wants Apple to override that feature on this ONE particular phone. Apple says it can't do it. I find that impossible to believe. I find it far more plausible that Apple does a robust business overseas and doesn't want to lose it's Jihadist consumer base. Shame on them.
Finally, Kanye West says he's $53 million in debt. Apparently people believe this because a GoFundMe page set up for him has already collected about $3500! Can you imagine sending your hard earned dollars to Kanye West? Does that man look broke to you? Good Grief! People will believe anything these days.

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