
Sunday, February 14, 2016

My Valentine To You

Hello My Dear Friends! Although I believe Valentine's Day is a manufactured Hallmark holiday not really worthy of my time, I also realize that many of you humans feel differently. Therefore, I have composed a little poem to mark the occasion.

My Valentine

You kidnapped me when I was born
Ripped from my dear Mother's teat
I'm now held captive in this dump
Oh Lordy, what a treat!

Humans picked this day of love
To show how much they care
And to prove to those who are alone
That life just isn't fair!

You give each other sweets and blooms
And little diamond rocks
To me, a sign of human love
Is to clean my litter box!

So on this Day of Valentine
I know one thing is true
I didn't choose the peeps I love
But I guess I'm stuck with you!

Happy Valentine's Day!

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