
Friday, August 17, 2012

A Moment of Brilliance!

Hello my dear friends. Upon learning of this rare moment of brilliance, I just knew I needed to share it with you so we could all start the weekend off feeling better about ourselves. Bask with me, if you will, in the brilliance of this man; a mild mannered lawn dude weed whacking a large hill...
Lawn dude had a big job ahead of him! He was using a gas powered weed whacker so he needed to stash his gas can in a handy place so he could grab a quick fill up when needed. So, in his shinning moment of brilliance, where did he decide to stash his OPEN gas container?
Yup. Right behind the Smoker's Post! Let's hope no one decides to flick their butt or they may flambe their ass! Enjoy the weekend Friends!

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