
Thursday, August 2, 2012

All Aboard the Crazy Train!

Hello my dear friends. Sometimes you people really crack me up!  I believe many of you refer to what I'm doing right now as ROFL. Why? Because you're Chik Fil arious! In case you haven't heard, in which case you live in a cave, The president and COO of the chicken chain, Dan Cathy, said during an interview that "we are very much supportive of the family-the biblical definition of the family unit..." That's all it took for the world to go mad once again! There was, of course, an immediate call for a boycott. Politicians and church leaders jumped out on both sides of the "controversy" and the lines were drawn. Yesterday, thousands of people, many of whom usually care about what they eat, stood in line for hours in the hot sun to purchase a sandwich from the chain they have now decided is on the side of God! LOL! The called it Chik fil a Appreciation Day. It was, by all accounts, the highest grossing day in the history of the chain. Perhaps the Colonel should take a shot at Muslims and see if it increases KFC's bottom line! One reporter called yesterday a "national day of intolerance". Apparently he was aware that EVERY DAY is a national day of intolerance these days. Why? Because, once again, someone (in this case Mr. Cathy) dared to publicly voice his opinion! How dare he! Boycott his business! Ban him from ever doing business again! That man (Mr. Cathy) said something I don't agree with now he needs to be punished! Intolerance indeed. The problem is the intolerance we're dealing with is an ever growing intolerance for the First Amendment. Chik fil a doesn't open on Sunday. They never have. Why? Because of the owners Christian beliefs. Mr. Cathy doesn't not hire gays. He doesn't refuse to serve gays. He voiced his opinion based on his Christian beliefs. Unfortunately, he was under the impression he had a right to do that. Apparently not. Personally, I've never been to a wedding, Gay or Straight, that served chain store chicken so I don't he'll lose too much business. So people, eat chicken or don't eat chicken, it really doesn't matter. If I stopped doing business with every company I disagreed with I'd be Amish! Wait, the Amish work too hard, I'd be...well, I'd be screwed. Oh, by the way, if you read Mr. Cathy's full statement you'll find that he also doesn't believe in divorce or remarriage so get ready all you Exes, there's a chicken boycott in your future!

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