
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Anatomy of an Idiot

Hello my dear friends. Today I would like to discuss what I believe makes an "idiot" and why it appears to be becoming so popular. Now, by definition, an idiot is a "mentally deficient person" or "an utterly foolish or senseless person". In reality, we are surrounded by idiots who are neither mentally deficient nor noticeably foolish, until they speak. They may not meet the technical definition of an idiot but they are, without a doubt, an idiot. The obvious first example of not being deemed an idiot until one speaks would be 6 term Missouri Congressman and Senate Candidate Todd Akin. His "legitimate rape" comments certainly qualify him as an idiot. There's no denying that. But what makes a seemingly intelligent person expose their inner idiot? I mean, the fine people of Missouri elected this guy SIX TIMES. He was the front runner in the Senate race until he decided to share his insight on female reproductive control during "legitimate rape".  Akin has a degree in management engineering and a Master of Divinity degree from Covenant Theological Seminary. He is a Christian who is firmly opposed to abortion. He has a right to his beliefs. But, no matter how you look at it, he can't honestly believe what he said.I guess I just can't wrap my head around how someone, even in the heat of the moment, could say something like that. Even if he does believe it, why on earth would you say it out loud? He has apologized and said he misspoke but that doesn't really matter. You can't put your inner idiot back in the bottle any more than you can get toothpaste back in the tube. Once it's out, it's out for good.  Dan Quayle was labeled an idiot because he misspelled the word "potato". Joe Biden introduced a paralyzed American Veteran at a fundraiser and told him to "stand up". The candidate Barak Obama told a crowd that he'd already visited 57 states and still had one to go! I know, the latter examples don't reach the level of idiot as the former but, my point is, people say really stupid things, even seemingly intelligent people. Normally, a ridiculous statement like Akin's would be dismissed in a day but, with the elections right around the corner, we're going to have to endure "the statement" and all of the idiots who latch on to it, for another 80+ days. Good Grief!

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