
Friday, December 28, 2012

A Time for Reflection

Hello my dear friends. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. With the new year right around the corner, now is the time that many of you create your list of "resolutions" for the coming year. I, for one, do not make new year's resolutions. I believe making resolutions creates unnecessary pressure and, in the end, sets you up to fail. I don't know about you but I have more than enough opportunities to fail throughout the year without inventing new challenges. How many times can we resolve to lose weight, exercise more, save money and spend more time with family and friends? So, my dear friends, I propose that, instead of resolutions, we reflect on a series of soul searching questions, the answers to which will make us better people without the possibility of failure.
Question #1  What can I do to make myself better in the new year?
Question #2  What one thing can I do to enrich the lives of those around me?
Question #3  What luxury do I regularly indulge in that I can really live without?
Question #4  What is one thing I've always wanted to do but can never seem to find the time?
Question #5  What can I do, right now, to break my old routine and start moving forward?
These questions, obviously, are designed to make self improvement possible. If you're looking more for self awareness than self improvement your first question should center around why you're even reading this blog. Anyway, to make your journey a little easier, I've provided my answers to the questions above.
Answer #1  This took much reflection as I am already pretty freaking awesome. I need to be kinder to those I deem, well, stupid. I can be more patient with the intellectually challenged.
Answer #2  Again, difficult, as I already write this blog. How much more enrichment do you people need? I could be more sympathetic to the troubles of my friends and family.
Answer #3  I may enjoy gambling a bit too much. I can reduce the amount of money I put into my "play account" by 20%.
Answer #4  My much anticipated first book continues to collect dust. I can try to get my ADHD under control and focus a little more.
Answer #5  I can stop turning on the television as soon as I get home.
There you have it. I've outlined a plan to help me make 2013 a little better than 2012. I don't have a deadline. I don't have set goals. I have a workable plan for self improvement. No stress. No chance for failure. Just a few simple questions that I now have the answers to. Happy New Year!

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